Merciless Christopher Killex is back from the grave and starts to fill Gotham City's streets with blood and horror! Dylan Dog and Batman are faced with an unsolvable dilemma: whether to accept the help of The Joker, who could prove to be a key ally in catching the serial killer. But can they really trust him?
This has been a great crossover and I would not be apposed to seeing more crossover stories between these two characters. Read Full Review
Batman/Dylan Dog #3 is a solemn conclusion to our duo detectives' team-up. The gothic story is paired with entertaining dialogue and beyond beautiful art. Though the stakes could be higher, Batman's interactions with Dylan Dog show that the two make for a great pairing and could provide for fun future issues if they ever decide to meet again. All in all, this three-issue crossover brings two different heroes not too far from their comfort zones, doubling down on their respective personas and personal philosophies, all painted in masterly strokes of shadows. Read Full Review
This final issue feels a bit rushed at timesthere is a lot to get throughbut there's a genuinely clever solution to the question of where exactly could hold someone like Killex permanently. And so Batman and the Dog head off back to their own comics, both maybe a bit wiser from the experience. I knew nothing about Dylan Dog before this, but now I'm kind of intrigued to read more. Read Full Review
The result is a thrilling read that speaks to the heroic qualities found in its leading men and the pure joy of reading a great adventure tale told by such talented artists. Read Full Review
Batman/Dylan Dog #3 makes a considerable jump out of Hell and goes to Gotham, which is arguably DC's Hell on Earth! There are elements of this story that will remind one of the Spawn/Batman team-up, and Crime Alley reeks of that! However, given that it is a three-issue story arc and that we do get a new villain out of the mix, that Batman gets to mix it up with, I'd say as Batman fans, we got a win/win out of it! Read Full Review
I really hope that some folks will come across Batman/Dylan Dog and end up deciding to get into Italian horror comics. While it has its flaws, this series is a loving homage to an obscure occult character that I wouldn't have been familiar with otherwise. For that alone, this comic is worth reading. If you were on the fence about this series up to this point, I'd encourage you to track it down and give it a try. There's nothing quite like the magic of finding a great new character. Read Full Review