Batwoman #36

Writer: Marc Andreyko Artist: Georges Jeanty Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 19, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
4.7Critic Rating
3.5User Rating

Batwoman and the Unknowns continues as Batwoman crosses paths with the mysterious Jason Blood.

  • 6.9
    Geeked Out Nation - Kate Coenen Nov 22, 2014

    All in all, the supernatural mystery and dramatic tension of this issue tries to win out over the fact that this story arc has sputtered along in fits and starts. There are some good moments in this issue, but the story arc still has yet to gain traction or come together in a cohesive way. For a story so tied to the supernatural, it's a shame that so far it feels lacking in magic. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Corey 'Undeadpool' Schroeder Nov 19, 2014

    Last issue established a strong base, this one is building on top of it. Im not a fan of every direction its going, but overall I still enjoyed this issue and, especially with what happens with Jason Blood on the last page, am up for whatever comes next. Its an issue of extremes and when its up, its great, but when its down it is very so-so. The ups outweigh the downs, though, and if youre a fan of Batwoman in and out of costume, Id say this issue wont steer you wrong. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Nov 23, 2014

    After last Month's issue, I was really looking forward to see how and why Batwoman joined up with such a crazy team.  While this issue is mostly setup and offers little in answers, I liked the bits we get of the "Unknowns".  Unfortunately, I hated everything about Kate in this issue.  I also was not a fan of the art and thus, cannot recommend this issue.  After such a promising start to this arc, I still hold out hope that Andreyko can pull things in and right the ship.  We'll see next month. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Nov 21, 2014

    Andreyko continues to butcher a book that had one of the strongest foundations to build upon. It's a shame to watch amazing characters such as these turn into shells of who they really are and participate in pointlessly juvenile drama and adventures. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    The Batman Universe - Ryan Blair Nov 20, 2014

    Im hoping that some of the loose ends will start to get pulled together in the next issue, otherwise Im a little disappointed in where this series is headed. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    DC Comics News - Kate Kane Nov 19, 2014

    It was sad to read the weakening story of this weeks Batwoman not giving much hope to the female hero who once could beat down the Batman and live to tell the tale. Lets hope that Alice has more up her sleeves than just a fancy costume and funky hair to help save her sister and bring her back to the Bat ways. Read Full Review

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