STARRING HEROES FROM THE PRE-FLASHPOINT DCU! Life for Harley Quinn has become downright normal over the last year. Will she be ready to go nuts when Catwoman and Poison Ivy draft her to fight Captain Carrot?!
I think this will be the only Convergence book where I wish that the Dome would stay up. Harley was so happy and her life was finally back to normal (or as normal as Harley could ever get) and Telos messed it up. He better pay, but first in line is Captain Carrot. I can't wait! Read Full Review
Did I mention that Harley has to fight Captain Carrot with the fate of her city in the balance in the next issue? Make sure to check out Convergence: Harley Quinn #2 next month! Read Full Review
This is classic Harley Quinn and it's an absolute treat from beginning to end. Read Full Review
The art is effective and clearly tells the complicated story. The final panel with Harley in full insanity mode is very well done. It is simple and stunning and one of my favorite pieces of art in the past few months. Now I am really looking forward to next month's battle. Read Full Review
I enjoyed this a lot despite the fact that I wasn't a fan of the art. Harley, Catwoman, and Ivy in their old costumes certainly brings back memories and even though Gotham City Sirens was a bit hit-and-miss, it was a series with untapped potential. Seeing these villainesses pull it together (despite the fact that their friendship ended badly) is a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to seeing how silly this can get once Harley confronts her rabbity foe! Read Full Review
The good news is that Phil Winslade's art is a good match for the story. Winslade channels the zany energy of Harley's antics and the various colorful hallucinations that plague her troubled mind. At the same time, there's a very down-to-earth, subdued quality to these pages that plays well with the more low-key approach to story. However, the action becomes a little stiff once Catwoman and Ivy enter the fray, and that does nothing to help the disappointment that comes when the story shifts gears. Read Full Review
Anybody who missed the old Harley Quinn will love the final pages, and the promise of next month's "Rabbit Season", but this first issue struggles to maintain interest and incorporate Convergence into the plot as well. Read Full Review
Again, fun character work in a setting that seems to actively fight the story being told, but an okay issue for Harley-philes. Read Full Review
"Convergence: Harley Quinn" #1 gives readers a nice peek back into the madcap, potentially homicidal adventures of Harley prior to the 2011 "Flashpoint" event. It takes some artistic leaps from there, setting up the world around the character with a little more depth than some of the other "Convergence" tales, but it just doesn't pack enough zaniness in between the covers to make this a particularly memorable read. Pugh does a nice job of following format without falling into prescriptive writing, but his characters just need a little extra boost. Read Full Review
Harley has had some great moments, mainly from the Batman The Animated Series, it sad to see that all the hard work by Palmiotti and Conner is practically ignored in order to facilitate the DC move. I just hope that their, and Harley's fans can sit patiently for post Convergence and the up and coming Power Girl & Harley mini series. Read Full Review