Damage #15

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Aaron Lopresti Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 20, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 5
6.6Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Batman has banished Ethan Avery to an island where monstrous beasts and creatures roam. Trouble is, they are monsters around the clock, and Ethan can only be Damage for one hour each day. Luckily, Congo Bill serves as the island's caretaker, and he's giving Ethan a quick lesson in how to avoid becoming a light afternoon snack for a hungry fiend. Strike the wrong balance between humanity and Damage, and Ethan won't survive to eat his next meal himself; get it right, and Damage could become king of the monsters!

  • 8.0
    ComicBook.com - Matthew Mueller Mar 20, 2019

    This won't change your mind about the character, but it is a big step in the right direction, and we're definitely coming back to see what comes next. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Mar 20, 2019

    With only one issue left until the grand finale of Damage, I've largely given up on this series giving us any satisfying resolution to Ethan Avery's story and his battle with the monster lurking inside him. There's just no there there, but what surrounds him tends to be fitfully amusing " and in this final arc, more than fitfully. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Branden Murray Mar 20, 2019

    As a whole, this issue of Damage seems to have found a bit of footing, it's just a bit too late in the lifespan of this series for anyone to really bother at this point.  If Damage was able to get to Monster Rock earlier in its run, to give this book more of a purpose moving forward, it would have been very good for the characterization of Ethan. At the least, you can anticipate a solid original send-off for Ethan/Damage, which is something I wouldn't have said before this final arc began. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Unknown Mar 20, 2019

    As a whole, this issue of Damage seems to have found a bit of footing, it's just a bit too late in the lifespan of this series for anyone to really bother at this point.  If Damage was able to get to Monster Rock earlier in its run, to give this book more of a purpose moving forward, it would have been very good for the characterization of Ethan. At the least, you can anticipate a solid original send-off for Ethan/Damage, which is something I wouldn't have said before this final arc began. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Mar 27, 2019

    The art is solid, but the storyline doesn't save the character. This is a story of a super soldier formula gone awry. And the story has been told so often, nothing is a surprise and everything is absurd. From what I understand, only one issue remains in this series, so a collector would be wise to gather up all issues. It may be possible that another crew of artists and writers can get a hold of this character and paint a better situation for Ethan/Damage. In the case of this series, too much Damage has already been done (pun intended)! Read Full Review

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