Damage #9

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Aaron Lopresti, Matt Ryan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 19, 2018 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 9
6.7Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Talk about a brave and bold team-up: Damage has joined forces with a mysterious top military operative, and now the two are on the run from Colonel Jonas and her black-ops team. With his powers back up and running, there's nothing to stop Damage from killing the woman who turned him into a monster-with the possible exception of one dark secret!

  • 8.6
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Sep 19, 2018

    Damage #9 brings this story arc to a close, but the war is far from over. I like that it was established in this issue what it takes for the war to end for Ethan, and what will keep it going for Colonel Jonas. Nothing is definite, and that keeps you guessing what the future holds for Damage in the DCU. Read Full Review

  • 6.3
    Weird Science - Branden Murray Sep 19, 2018

    Damage brings some closure to the Col. Jonas events we've been dealing with since issue #1 of this series.  While that brings a level of newness to the events coming I hope the book attempts to allow Damage to stand on his own some more and get away from the barrage of guest stars to carry a stories momentum. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Sep 20, 2018

    Damage rampages from one fight to another and punches some generic enemies, then disappears into the crowd to emerge again when Damage is needed to wreck things. There's virtually no forward motion in this series, and it doesn't work. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    ComicBook.com - Charlie Ridgely Sep 19, 2018

    It's a shame that Damage had to go through several other stories before finally finding its own voice, because the latest issues have an actual story about Damage's journey that is surprisingly intriguing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    I Review Comics Dec 12, 2018

    Damage #9 is essentially an all-out action end to the current story Arc. Damage and The Unknown Soldier battle against Colonel Jonas and her forces and do so in glorious fashion. 

    There isn't really much pathos to the story. The star of this comic are the pencils from Aaron Lopresti and colors from HI-FI. Hopefully, the story moves along and we get more character development for Damage beyond his being hounded by government forces. I get that the character started as a Hulk clone but he has a lot of potentials to move beyond the initial setup.

    The art is great and every shot of Damage in this comic is appropriately epic. The downside is that some of the backgrounds for this issue are shoddy and contrast heavily a more

  • 8.0
    daddyT Sep 20, 2018

    from a base of 6, this gets a rating of: 8.
    +1 because: the art was definitely above average.
    +1 because: some small pull.

  • 7.0
    Nihilist Sep 19, 2018

    Predictable, but fun to read nonetheless. Confrontation between Jonas and Damage felt a bit cliche, but even though we've seen it countless time in different forms of media, I can't see any other choice the writers could have made. When it comes to characters as powerful as Damage, there wouldn't be any problem for him to kill everyone and call it a day. Jonas would be replaced, and the cat and mouse chase would most likely continue. It's keeping the already established characters what's important, but naturally, that comes with the side effect of cliche scenes where they are saved, once a while.
    It's a good read overall.

  • 10
    Sarp onut Jan 22, 2019

  • 10
    Angus Sep 25, 2018

  • 9.0
    Comic Covers Sep 19, 2018

  • 7.5
    Watchtower022 Sep 19, 2018

  • 7.0

  • 4.0
    Psycamorean Oct 20, 2018

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