DC Comics: Bombshells #2

Writer: Marguerite Bennett Artist: Marguerite Sauvage Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 29, 2015 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 11 User Reviews: 5
7.8Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Pilot Steve Trevor goes head-to-head with Axis aircraft over unchartered waters. There, he encounters a race of super-powered women who are out to protect their island home from all intruders.

  • 10
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Sep 5, 2015

    DC Bombshells #2 is a riot. If you aren't reading the series digitally, then I highly recommend you grab this print copy and revel in the amazing storytelling it contains. I was entertained and enjoyed every second of reading this issue and Marguerite Bennett is really building something special here. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Sep 4, 2015

    And luckily, the Supergirl stuff is solid. I like Kara's no nonsense attitude there. Is it okay for me to admit I am surprised at how good this book is? Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Rainbow Hub - Emma Houxbois Aug 1, 2015

    Somehow this issue flew by relative to the introductory issue starring Kate Kane, but that was a denser story driven far more by dialogue and vehicles like the baseball commentator while the Wonder Woman issue is far more laconic and art driven. Either way, it's gorgeous and yet another reason that Bennett and Sauvage are destined for greatness, hopefully side by side. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 1, 2015

    As much as I love Wonder Woman, it was going to be hard to top the first installment. The Batwoman issue was dialogue heavy, reworked several characters into the time period and provided for some utterly delightful visuals full of details. Here, things are a bit more streamlined because Diana's origin into this particular world doesn't need much in the way of changing. It's adjusted a bit for modern storytelling in some mild ways, but it's mostly a facelift in terms of the story itself, one that works well enough. What makes it more engaging is Sauvage's artwork, giving it a fluidity that brings it to life in the action sequences and some really great character designs when we deal with the Amazon's on the beach that makes them each feel fully realized and ready to tell their own stories. It's a solid entry, but I suspect it's going to be the weaker of the origins simply because so little needs to be made unique or new. Read Full Review

  • 8.3
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 2, 2015

    This series is making the most of its limited source material, crafting a fun, compelling new take on the DCU and its iconic female heroes. It offers a little of the familiar (Wonder Woman's origin) and the new (Supergirl and Starfire). While this issue doesn't quite measure up to the first in terms of its visuals, it still has plenty to offer. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Noah Sharma Sep 8, 2015

    Ultimately the greatest problem with DC Comics' Bombshells at this point is that none of them seem to be blowing up. We're still building and the limited page count is keeping us from the depth I suspect the series is capable of. Nevertheless, it remains a rollicking adventure through DC's catalogue and the alternate history genre, full of character and distinction. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    SnapPow.com - Harrison Rawdin Sep 4, 2015

    DC Comics Bombshells #2 is an outstanding addition to any collection. Whether you knew this was a monthly series or not now's the right time to dive in so by all means run out to your local shop andadd it to your pull-list or buy the digital first releases on comiXology. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Sep 2, 2015

    Some of the artistic choices made in this issue are a bit on the rough side, but the story remains compelling as ever. We're still in start-up mode, but that doesn't mean this book is light on action or character development. Bringing the Nazis right into the mix also adds a dark undercurrent that's so well done it's downright uncomfortable–but that's what you've signed up for with DC Comics Bombshells, and who doesn't want to see our favorite superhero women kick the Gestapo in the teeth? Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Greg McElhatton Sep 4, 2015

    "DC Comics Bombshells" #2 is a strong second issue, and I'm glad that this book exists. Bennett takes this series in a fun direction, and Braga, Mooney and Naifeh each handle their own chapters with distinctive and good styles. If you haven't given this book a whirl, perhaps because of its origin, it's time to give it a chance. So far, it's proven to be thoroughly enjoyable. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Aug 1, 2015

    While I really love the art to this series, this chapter is underwhelming, especially after having such an original take on Batwoman in the previous issue.  Here it's more of the same with the origin of Wonder Woman that you've seen a dozen times.  Hopefully the story continues from this point and adds it's own spin to the Steve Trevor/Princess Diana dynamic so we can see something new from this Bombshells world, but as of right now; it's just not that interesting. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Batman Universe - Stella Bowman Sep 4, 2015

    While this is not the high quality that the first issue produced, I am hopeful that it is merely a slump and that storylines and art will converge for the next issue to present an outstanding continuation of a worthwhile story. Read Full Review

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