Flash #200

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Scott Kolins Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 30, 2003 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 4
8.4Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

The extra-sized, game-changing conclusion to "Blitz!" After the travesty of last issue, the Flash faces his final confrontation with his opposite number, Zoom! If The Flash manages to stop Zoom, he'll pay a horrible price. Only with the help of his friends from the past can Wally put his life back on track!

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Loretta Ramirez Aug 26, 2003

    By the end of this issue, long-time fans of The Flash can be proud, not only of their hero but of the books creative team. As for new readers, this is an opportune time to join the speedster experiencejust hold tight and prepare for thrills. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 6, 2003

    I can't say I was as blown away by this issue I had expected to be, as Zoom made for a very powerful opponent, and the previous issues had done such an impressive job of conveying the sense of danger that his rather hurried defeat left me a bit disillusioned. Now the fight was entertaining enough, as Scott Kolins is the ideal artist to render a high energy clash between two characters moving at tremendous speeds, and there's a real sense of urgency developed during the race between the two after Zoom threatens Linda. However, the way that Zoom is defeated left me cold, as frankly it felt a little too handy a means of dealing with the big bad villain. However, my enjoyment of this issue picked up considerably in the final pages, as I have to say I was completely thrown by the change that Geoff Johns brings into play, and I can't wait for the next story arc. In fact the more I think about the new status quo that has been brought into play the more excited I am, as this change impacts eve Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Cody Dolan Aug 3, 2003

    Anyone that criticizes this book for being about a guy that can "run really fast" has no idea what that power could entail, and Zoom is a perfect example of that. "Blitz" is traditional superheroing at its finest with enough twists to keep the most jaded fan interested. As with every month, I'm anxiously awaiting the nest issue of Flash, but the book can't help but be worse off with the departure of Scott Kolins. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Aug 2, 2003

    Unlike some recent throwaway anniversary issues (Action #800 comes immediately to mind, and Green Lantern #150 left a bit to be desired), Flash #200 promises permanent changes that should resonate through his appearances in JLA and other titles. While creating a number of logistical problems, the new direction for Wally and the Flash ought to provide ample material for intriguing new conflict, perhaps even the classic Lois/Clark/Superman-esque love triangle. The next few issue will define more clearly the new boundaries and opportunities for storytelling, but with a writer whos proven he knows how to throw fans for a loop while keeping things believable, readers will be in for an excellent ride. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Tim Hartnett Jul 31, 2003

    We get a preview of next month's new artist, Alberto Dose on the final two pages. Look for the strong change in style! Read Full Review

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