After the thrilling events of FUTURE QUEST, a new age of adventure begins! First up, Space Ghost and his young wards Jan and Jace team up with the Herculoids to rebuild the mighty Space Force. Will they rise again to become defenders of the galaxy? Or is there something lurking in the shadows ready to stop them for good?
The artwork by Ariel Olivetti looks fantastic. This proves no surprise given his previous work on Future Quest as well as the recent Green Lantern/Space Ghost one-shot. The only real weakness to the artwork is some occasionally forced expressions but Olivetti's style proves a good fit for the strong, space-opera aesthetic of Parker's story. Those who enjoyed the originalFuture Quest series will find Future Quest Presents #1 to be more of the same. Read Full Review
Future Quest Presents: Space Ghost had our attention since the end of Future Quest, since Parker knows how to keep an audience enthralled with a story which has both action and true emotion. But when you add the artistry of Olivetti who is a master of the visual arts, there is no turning back from what will hopefully be an exciting roller coaster ride. Words and illustration, the key points of confidence for a graphic novel, and this title has them both. If this is only the premiere issue for this series, how in the world will we last until the end? Read Full Review
The series is managing a nice balance between nostalgia and crafting a story that stands on its own and lays the groundwork for future adventures. Read Full Review
The whole issue feels like a 2-in-1 type episode of the original series and I love that. Read Full Review
The last Future Quest series was a success mostly because it was drawn by Evan Shaner who easily evoked the simple and effective designs of Alex Toth but for comics. Ariel Olivetti was one of the artists who took over Shaner when he needed a fill-in artist. In the previous series, I was critical of Olivetti because his style conflicted with the what had been established by Shaner. Art direction matter more than the ability to fill-in a comic. Many editors forget this. Read Full Review
This was a very pleasant surprise and this issue seems to prove that the modern take on Space Ghost deserves his own ongoing series from this creative team. Read Full Review
Even though this is a first issue, Parker had already laid the groundwork for this series with last year’s Future Quest. With Presents, he continues his strong work introducing a whole new generation to these beloved Hanna-Barbera characters of old and having Space Ghost be the first to get the spotlight was a great move. Read Full Review
Dont get me wrong – this remains almost exactly as much fun as Future Quest was. Its just that a touch of the sheen has been stripped away by virtue of it being a sequel series, DC having tapped here the same vein that the Marvel Cinematic Universe did with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2. And while this new series doesnt have its Yondu Poppins (yet), its still a blast to read, and worth a flutter for the art alone. Read Full Review
For me the art is just average. Maybe 1 or 2 painted images were notable. Otherwise it was a fun read. Looking forward to #2.
The art in this comic is dynamite! However, overall, I think this comic is average or slightly above average. I LOVE these characters and seeing them in action. Parker wrote a magnificent initial volume of Future Quest and this picks up where that series ended. This issue did not grab me as much as the issues in the initial series but I'm definitely along for the ride and I'm sure Parker will pick up the pace with a killer plot.