Justice League of America #1

Writer: Brad Meltzer Artist: Sandra Hope, Ed Benes Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: September 12, 2007 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 5
8.0Critic Rating
8.1User Rating

What does it take to join the ranks of the World's Greatest Heroes? Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman discuss that very topic in this over-sized first issue sparking a bold new direction for the JLA! As recruitment begins, you'll be surprised by who makes the cut--and who declines membership!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Aug 23, 2006

    Justice League of America #1 was worth the wait. This was an exciting start to a brand new chapter for the JLA. DC was smart to place tons of talent on this title and it shows. This issue combined excellent writing with fantastic art. We got a nice steady start with a solid foundation for what appears to be one hell of a ride. I am eagerly looking forward to Meltzer's run on this title. I recommend this title to anyone. Give it a try. This is an excellent starting point for new readers. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Sep 26, 2006

    The book is concurrently a tribute to the long histories of these characters while at the same time it's another modern mystery in the making. The type of story Meltzer loves to craft with unexpected twists and turns, none of which I care to spoil here. While there are enough references to events in current DC continuity to satisfy long time readers, there aren't so many to make this book inaccessible to new readers. The artwork is stunningly solid. Characters look the way they are supposed to, whether in costume and in action sequences or out of costume in more subdued scenes of reflection and conversation. I could have done without the excerpt plugging Meltzer's latest novel at the end of the comic, but that's a small nit to pick in light of all that is great about this introductory tale which focuses not on an established character like Batman but on a long running, albeit less well known, hero such as the Red Tornado. Perhaps the book's only discernable flaw is the fact it le Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin T. Brown Aug 27, 2006

    No, Justice League of America #1 is not perfect, but its as close as you can get. And with one issue in, its probably the best book that DC is publishing today. The next 12 months are going to be a joy. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Caryn A. Tate Aug 27, 2006

    Im more excited about Justice League of America than I have been for a long time, and I cant wait to see what the next issue has in store. Red Tornado, in particular, is more interesting than Ive ever seen him, and I think The Tornados Path will become a key storyline for the Justice League and Tornado in particular. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Nicholas Slayton Aug 27, 2006

    Overall, this is a great issue of wonderful potential. The art may not be to ones fancy, but the story is great. A bit slow, sure, but with the dead on characterization and the tear-jerking final page more than makes up for it. I certainly am looking forward to the next part of The Tornados Path. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 27, 2006

    Heck, Im happy a Meltzer comic actually had women with speaking lines, period. This is not the travesty that was his Crisis of taste, and with the potential to pick up on the good from 52 rather than the bad from the hopefully now finite Crisis; Im cautiously optimistic. But get better art, soon. Read Full Review

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