The new adventures of America's greatest super-team continue! After a deadly arrival at their new headquarters, the JSA must discover who's hunting down their descendants. Will the youngest member, Cyclone, be the next victim?
Justice Society of America #2 was another phenomenal read. Johns is white hot at the moment. I loved the JSA and was sad to see DC pull the plug on that title and say that they were going to re-start the JSA. I thought it was a well done title that didn't need to be re-started unlike some other title like the JLA that desperately needed a re-start. However, I will admit that I was completely wrong. As good as John's JSA was Johns' Justice Society of America is even better. This was a real stroke of genius to re-start the JSA in this fashion. Read Full Review
Dale Eagleshams art (along with Ruy Jose complimentary smooth inking) was again a treat for the eyes. Im becoming quite enamored of his JSA headquarters and its rooms. Hes making the building a star in its own right. Hes also handling each JSAer with separate care and brings a ton of personality and charm to each and every one of them. Thats not an easy task, but he seems to handle it with ease. Bravo, Dale. Read Full Review
Now then, despite how much I loved this book, that last page will always continue to bother me. For 21 pages I was ready to give this issue , but one page changed all of that. I feel those 21 pages are among the best youll ever read, but that last page supremely disappointed me. Justice Society of America is one of the best titles DC produces and, but for one page, its quite possibly damn near the perfect team book. Johns, Eaglesham and Jos should all be proud of their effort. Im not going to allow one page to ruin my enjoyment totally, but it did affect this months rating. Heres hoping it truly is a feint. Read Full Review
Youre good Geoff; lets hope youre that good. Read Full Review
Fantastic artwork helps boost another hit from Johns. While it may not be for everyone and confuse many, theres enough going on that for most fans at least, something has nabbed your interest and its worth checking out the next issue. Read Full Review
Smolin, Lee (2006). The Trouble with Physics. New York: Houghton-Mifflin Co. Read Full Review