THE WATCHTOWER, OVERRUN! Cornered and betrayed, The Question and Batwoman must rally a ragtag group of allies to retake the Watchtower from a surprising villain--as the true mastermind behind the conspiracy to take over the Justice League's headquarters stands revealed.
Great visuals, very intense storytelling, even if this issue does feel a little bit like a transition point to get them from the end of the last battle to the final showdown. Read Full Review
The true intentions of Cyborg Superman come to light with another excellent chapter. Seguras writing displays the never quit attitude of The Question. The art team focus in on Henshaws maniacal vision as the tower continues to fall. Brace for impact with this one. Read Full Review
The Question: All Along the Watchtower #4 is a visually uninteresting, generic, cliche-ridden, confusing mess of a comic. This series only seems to exist due to the popularity of the Question in the series Justice League Unlimited, as there seems to be no other valid reason for this story to exist. I'm not even sure there was a way to salvage this story, and frankly, I cannot bring myself to care. Read Full Review
I like this book but it takes so much suspension of belief to read. It's nice that the story uses cool villains and not just chumps, but Cyborg Superman and the Eradicator are way too over powered for this team and Rene would've been dead with one punch. That said I like the characters and it's nice to focus on ones who don't get much time to shine (especially Buddy) so I'm along for the ride as silly as it gets.