After failing to save her friends, Wonder Woman must find the power within to vanquish her most powerful foe...who's only gotten more formidable! But only Diana, who knows Cheetah best, can stop her god-killing spree! Little does Diana know, there's a deity waiting in the shadows to assume the role of god/goddess of love and help save the world alongside our hero. Will they find each other in time?
Merino and Derenick make all of the characters look amazing in this issue. The detailed backgrounds and the shadowy menace of Cheetah in some panels give the story great visual depth. Read Full Review
This issue takes an unusual approach and has minimal dialogue over most of the issue, instead letting Diana's narration dominate the story. It gives it a melancholy feel as everyone grapples with the death of love. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #80 continues snail's paced world without love story that has about as much pep as the Peter and Gordon song and I am checking out. Hopefully, Steve Orlando can inject some magic back into this book because this run has been as much of a chore to read as it seems it was for Wilson to write. Read Full Review
I did not care for this issue at all. Until this story, I have really enjoyed G. Willow Wilson's take on Diana. But in this story and this issue especially, it never really feels like Diana. She's dumb, easily manipulated and ineffective. Obviously, there needs to be a great challenge for a character like Wonder Woman. But she's practically inept and it kills a lot of the fun for me. At this point, I just want this story to end already. Read Full Review
There's one solid twist, but it's not nearly enough to hang 20 pages on. Keep it. Read Full Review
Second last DC review of the night.... 6 more after this. Anyway, my patience for Wilson's run is wearing thin. While Loveless started well, last issue really fell off.
The Good:
I can't find much... let's just say the art.
The Bad:
It's more of the same as the last issues but with more problems.
Cheetah isn't compelling as a villain.
We've gone over the loss of love, it's part four so get a move on. We're practically at part one here.
Obvious betrayal was obvious.
It was boring to read.
There isn't anything to put it below a 5 score or maybe Wilson just burnt the caring out of me. It's a 5 based on its lack of enjoyment to more
Just end this already oh my god.