In this issue: Our human heroes find themselves trapped on a mysterious jungle planet where they face The Creature King, who commands a host of beasts to do his nefarious bidding. In their most desperate hour of need, the team turns to the one member who can save them-Blip!
An all-new arc begins for the phenomenally successful series as acclaimed author DAVID PEPOSE and virtuoso artist JONATHAN LAU continue their exploration of the wonders (and dangers) of the galaxy with help from space- age cover artists FRANCESCO MATTINA, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, BJORN BARENDS, and ANTHONY MARQUES!
Space Ghost #7 is another fantastic issue of one the best monthly books available. The best part of this series is the one and done storytelling allows any issue to be a perfect jumping on point and I cant recommend this title enough. Read Full Review
While Space Ghost and Jan have their moments, the true standouts are Jace and Blip, who really carry the heart of this story. Read Full Review
Space Ghost #7 is an awesome story with all the twists and turns weve come to expect in this series. David Pepose brings humanity to all our heroes that makes us care for them like they are family to us. The book has plenty of action and it is great, but the biggest thing this book has is heart. The end of this book tugs at your heart strings, well also giving you hope for issues to come. Read Full Review
Lau delivers blistering art throughout the issue. The visuals are stunning in their detail and perfectly capture the action and thrills of the story. Read Full Review
SPACE GHOST #7 is an action-packed issue that forces Blip to take the lead in thwarting the villain's plans. David Pepose's simple plot makes the most of Blip's heartfelt adventure, and Jonathan Lau's artwork is spectacular. Read Full Review
Space Ghost #7 is another brilliant story showing improvement and expansion of classic characters. Blip gets a chance to shine in a way that he never has before and Creature King is reimagined as an animal activist. We see the tight familial bond that Blip shares with Jan and Jace, and now Space Ghost too. Blips true personality is presented well through his brief access to higher intelligence, showing that he cares deeply about his friends in a way that he hasnt been able to express before. Read Full Review
I'm running out of compliments for the 'Space Ghost' series. It just delivers a fun exciting adventure from month to month. It's the kind of quality storytelling you should consistently expect from comics. Read Full Review
Space Ghost, Jan, Jace and Blip crash on a planet controlled by Creature King, an animal who took control of the experimental technology on the animals of that planet. This technology allowed him to make animals intelligent and humans become animals.
Blip develops perfect intelligence and communication skills and helps Jace reach the citadel, Jace loses the ability to speak and his animal instincts flourish.
While Creature King throws Space Ghost and Jan to fight each other, but as he fails, he throws his best warrior.
Blip discovers that the source of this mind control is in a tower with waves and manages to destroy it, thus saving everyone.
It shows how powerful this hero is f more
Once more Pepose has given us another amazing tale featuring the most unlikely of heroes to save the day. This story gives us more insight into Bli and reminds us he's an important part of the team.
The book really reminds me of those classic sci-fi comics of the Silver and Bronze ages. It really shows how Pepose is an actual fan of what he's writing here. Most comics aren't written by real fans of the characters they write and it seems to impact the stories and rob that character of the personality we've come to know from other writers who were actual fans themselves. This is why I'm confident that as long as Pepose is working on this series it will continue to amaze.
2024 is almost up and I can say Space Ghost has been the best more
This was a really interesting issue and it's a one-and-done, which I appreciate. We needed a Blip story and this allows us to see into his mind and illustrate how much he cares for the family and how smart the implant has made him. However, there are some panels where his arms look far too long. This series continues to be great.
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