John Layman and Nick Bradshaw's adventure epic continues!
Bermuda's no fool. She knows better than to take on the Mers, the savage aquatic race of slavers who terrorize all who wash up on the mysterious island of Trangle. But recent arrival Bobby Randolph is determined to save his missing sister, so he goes looking for help in the one place he absolutely should not-Piratetown!
Action and adventure on the high seas courtesy of John Layman and Nick Bradshaw. ‘Bermuda' #2 is another thrilling read with marvellous detail and a magical but dangerous new world to explore. Bobby goes looking for his sister and we go along for the ride, discovering Piratetown; a hive of scum and villainy. Read Full Review
This issue shows how the creators found a clever way to utilize those disappearances. Read Full Review
Bermuda #2 shows off the vast colorful world with ridable iguanas, pirates, fish people, and blink and you'll miss moments that will make the setting twice as memorable. Read Full Review
Bermuda #2 has solid art and a decent narrative but lacks the emotional depth I want as an adult reader. For a middle schooler, this is a great title. Read Full Review
Between giant monsters, strange creatures, and now the introduction to a city filled with pirates, Bermuda definitely has an inventive world to bring readers into. It's just the story that is at the center of this comic that I continue to not be engaged with. Read Full Review
A triumph!!!