New ongoing series! Part 1 of the Raphael flashback adventure arc "Attack on Area 51"! After the events of "The Armageddon Game," the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles found themselves at a crossroads, attempting to keep their family united while individually feeling the need to break away and explore life in a world that knows about mutants.
To clear his head, Raphael jumps on his motorcycle and heads west on a solo road trip with the wind at his back and no destination in mind...until a dormant enemy out for revenge on the Turtles engineers a dangerous detour to Area 51. When Raphael is held hostage with some unexpected old friends, his sou more
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation #1 is a brilliant introduction to a new format of storytelling within this world. Both stories open up new horizons and new angles for established characters. Neither feels like a repeat of anything which has come before and both feel like stories worthy of the legendary characters within them. Read Full Review
With that caveat, this is a fantastic comic that does everything an anthology should. TMNT: Mutant Nation gives you a sampling of what this take on the Turtles is all about. It features two great stories with amazing art, and I will definitely be back for more. Read Full Review
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation #1 is a great companion book that catches readers up on events that some thought would have been forgotten after Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #150. Read Full Review
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Nation is a great new comic series from IDW Publishing. With great talent attached, excellent stories and proof that what comes before still matters, the future is bright in Mutant Nation. Read Full Review
A solid addition to the TMNT universe and proves there's still plenty of room for new stories within this beloved franchise. Tom Waltz's storytelling is as sharp as ever, and he captures Raphael's brooding yet introspective nature perfectly, while the backup story by Erik Burnham adds depth and continuity for long-time fans. With stellar art and vibrant colors from the creative team, this issue promises that Mutant Nation will be a fun and engaging ride for Turtle fans. If you're invested in the IDW run or just looking for a well-crafted TMNT tale, this series is well worth the price of admission. Read Full Review