Behold, puny earth things! A deluxe, oversized collection of the story originally serialized in Heavy Metal magazine, this is the complete adventure of the Cyberzerker and his mighty Atomahawk! Join them on their quest to free their imprisoned God, and find out why GRANT MORRISON calls it: "A screaming black hole feedback squall of death metal Kirby-kozmik energy spinning straight towards your prefrontal cortex. DONNY CATES and IAN BEDERMAN forge a stylish, super-heavy 21st-century mythology of blood, sentient steel, and rebel circuitry. A razor-nova of explosive writing and searing visuals that bury themselves deep in your skull. ATOMAHAWK Rmore
Cyberzerker is a compelling, sometimes hilarious anti-hero and his devotion to the blade is unwavering even after he discovers its dark origin and connection to an evil god. I imagined this as a perfect show for the Adult Swim lineup and I anticipate following Cyberzerker wherever he goes. Recommended for fans of Adult Swim and fantasy. Read Full Review
I thoroughly enjoyed Atomahawk. The story is solid and well written. But it's the art that got me. It's some of the most original and perfectly fitting comic book art I've seen in a long time. The only upsetting thing to me about this book is that it appears Cates and Bederman are not going to be creating any more of it. The story itself is fully told here, with a definitive ending. But I would very much like to see more stories come out of this universe. Or at least with this creative team working together again. Read Full Review
Donny Cates and Ian Bederman bring their A game with issue #0 of Atomahawk. It's a beautiful book inspired by Sci-Fi heavy metal album covers. The art will leave your jaw on the floor while the story will leave you wanting more. Read Full Review
You owe it to yourself to sit on The Cyberzerker's back as he charges into this world of battle and carnage, metal and circuits. You should see this unique world for yourself. You won't regret it. Read Full Review
Must buy for any of the great Donny Cates! Also Ian Bederman's art is so damn good! The writing superb! Cates and Bederman are a duo to be reckoned with! Love how Image adopted this from Heavy Metal Magazine. So with Image serializing this I hope it will reach more people. Even at 5.99 it is still worth it easily. So grab it and you will thoroughly enjoy this! 9.5 out of 10..
So rad
I re-read this for the first time since it was released in 2017 for two reasons. One, I wanted to have a review for it up on Comic Book Round Up, because I'm that type of person. And two, Donny Cates recently spilled the beans on a future Atomahawk anthology that's coming next year. So, I needed the refresher as well. This is a really good, fun comic. It goes by quickly but a cool world is still established. The writing here is great. It has some of my favorite aspects of Donny Cates' writing, one of which is his ability to punctuate a page. The best example of that in this story is the very ending of it. Writers who are able to do that (Hickman, Zdarsky and Aaron come to mind, as well) are automatically elevating their storytelling above tmore