Slade Slaymaker is lost in his own backyard, prisoner of tiny bug-riding warriors known as Mytes. And in Swarm City, the most dangerous hive in all the Yard, Slade will have to learn to unleash his newfound powers…or else watch his family die.
Bug Wars #2 takes us further into this Mad Max inspired world. Jason Aaron has built an intriguing world with some wonderful bloodlust. The apocalyptic insect world really brings you in. But its the story of our young hero Slade that will really keep you engaged. As the world continues to unfold, so does the readers interest to learn more about it. Read Full Review
Bug Wars #2 continues the forward momentum of its debut issue, digging deeper into the world its creators have crafted and showing the true horrors that lie in the yard. And yet it feels like the creative team is only scratching the surface of this world. Read Full Review
Asrar delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. I love the character designs as well as the visual thrills of the action. Read Full Review
Bug Wars #2 did not disappoint. Asrar delivers some great bug action, but what really keeps me coming back for more is Jason Aaron's writing style. The new words he comes up with for all the bug stuff are just phenomenal. In a time when comics are pretty dull in general, Bug Wars just sparkles with creativity.
This is starting to come together. Really cool issue.