Valkira orchestrates her plan to use Stetson in order to escape the dreamscape into our world. Finch and Jiang are left to stop Valkira in a final showdown against the shadow walker.
Stetson edges closer to the truth and finds it hits uncomfortably close to her! Read Full Review
Cardinali delivers some stunning art in this issue. The character designs and action are visually tense and immersive. Read Full Review
Slumber #6 brings its nightmarish story to a head as a mother and daughter reunite before their worst fears. Read Full Review
I really hope this isn't the end, it feels like it's JUST beginning.
What a great emotional pay off too.
I expected a bit more but it was still an entertaining series.
A little anticlimactic, but I still had great fun with this book.
If this is the final issue, I'll be pretty sad. It was a good series, that had potential to be longer. What we got here was good, but quickly wrapped up and ambiguous. Honestly has a bit of action, which surprised me.