The Sacrificers #11
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The Sacrificers #11

Writer: Rick Remender Artist: Max Fiumara Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: August 28, 2024 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 8
9.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

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How do we survive in the absence of love? How do we push ourselves forward into a bright future when the past has been so dark? How do we forgive those who have wronged us?

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - Russ Bickerstaff Aug 30, 2024

    The darkness is encroaching from every side of every panel but Remender and company are doing an admirable job of keeping it from being totally bleak. This is really important as the heroism of the central cast is the one, little gleaming ember of hope in the darkness that keeps it all moving and grabs hold of the reader. Without that little glimmer of hope, it would all be a bit too intense to keep the reader drawn to what is a truly captivating story. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Aug 28, 2024

    Lima Araujo crafts some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The visual style captures the dark emotion and suspense of the story perfectly. Read Full Review

  • 8.8
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Aug 29, 2024

    THE SACRIFICERS #11 brings the second arc to a close with drama stacked on drama stacked on drama when the consequences of Soluna's disappearance bear painful fruit. Rick Remender taps into heartbreaking emotion with this tragic fantasy, and the art team's presentation looks fantastic. Read Full Review

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