what a real shame! i kinda had interest in this.
• BÊLIT finds her first battle at sea!
• But will her impetuous nature lead the crew to victory, or sink her ambitions before they've begun?
• Either way, CAPTAIN SATURNINUS will need a new ship!
• PLUS: The next chapter in the all-new BÊLIT prose novella!
Parental Advisory
Continued below(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});Final Verdict: 8.5 " Tini Howard, Kate Niemczyk and Belit the Pirate Queen take no prisoners in this bold and original spin off series. Read Full Review
I still feel the same as I did with issue one on the art side with Kate Niemczyk on art, and Jason Keith on colors. The all looks great but they dont feel like they match the story beats as well as they should. Read Full Review
The dialogue and general characterization is good, but the artwork falters when called on to illustrate any sort of action. Read Full Review
I enjoyed Bêlit's youthful exuberance, but can't fathom why this captain won't execute her for undermining him.
I really found this issue boring. The action doesn't really work and the characters are not that interesting. It seemed like the same character beats kept repeating over and over. Belit is not captain, but she thinks she is. Again and again.
This is so boring and the characters are not interesting enough to get me over the bland writing.
-Kate Niemcyzk's art is good, even if it doesn't fully fit the world of Conan.
-At least Belit's at least a semi-strong character herself.
-I hate this. It's two issues in and I want it to be over. That's never a good sign.
-Almost nothing in this comic is actually executed well. It's sad. There's potential, but it's never reached.
-This issue was just so corny, with it's action scenes especially. I was cringing the entire way through.
-This story is the opposite of compelling. Off-putting, I guess, would be the right term.
-The dialogue's just mediocre. Not awful. Not outstanding.
-The end was pretty bad. I am not exc more