• America Chavez left the Utopian Parallel when she was six years old, and by age 16, she was battling with the best. What happened in between?
• This is American history. This is the story you've been waiting for.
Rated T+
AMERICA #7 presents the titular hero with profound depth that is paralleled by some exquisite artwork. Read Full Review
I'm wanting to see more of this world and Chavez interacting with it. Rivera and the artist team did an incredible job of giving Chavez more depth through Madrimar being added to her supporting cast and link to her past. Chavez has had a lot of truth revealed to her in a short amount of time. There's a lot to think about but as we discover, there are forces at play gunning for America. This origin building is a great look for America Chavez and will def be an issue that's going to be a cornerstone for her history moving forward. Read Full Review
This one issue won't answer all your questions " but it does show clearly, proudly, defiantly, that its heart is in the right place. And sometimes that's all you need to come back for more. Read Full Review
A beautiful, deep-dive of an issue. Read Full Review
While the exposition is pretty overwhelming, I cant say that this isnt an engaging issue. The presented mythos is cool, and America is an engaging character through which to experience all this. Plus, there are some really emotionally weighty moments that support the narrative. I have to recommend this title. Its good, and Marvel certainly isnt marketing it well enough. Read Full Review