Black Panther: The Sound And The Fury #1 View Preview
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Black Panther: The Sound And The Fury #1

Writer: Ralph Macchio Artist: Andrea DiVito Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 7, 2018 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 7
4.4Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

The fantastic technology of Wakanda comes to Dubai! But when the villainous KLAW launches a plot to extort billions from the citizens of the city, T'CHALLA's diplomatic mission becomes a search and rescue for the BLACK PANTHER! Written and illustrated by industry legends Ralph Macchio and Andrea Di Vito, THE SOUND AND THE FURY puts the Black Panther on a mission that will test his prowess against his long-standing nemesis, as well as three new villains - BLOKK, GARROTTE, and SHEN-YU!
Featuring a special presentation of FANTASTIC FOUR #53, featuring the earliest conflict between T'Challa and Klaw, and the introduction more

  • 7.5
    On Comics Ground - Aaron Jones Feb 12, 2018

    Black Panther selling vibranium to folks in Dubai and Klaw comes and tries to ruin it by extorting the innocents of Dubai for $5 billion. A simple story for a complex hero and villain. If you're new to the Black Panther mythos, this might be an interesting starting off point but there's more to be seen for what the next issues will tackle. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Feb 7, 2018

    Black Panther: The Sound and the Fury #1 is a decent read for a young and new Black Panther fan, but it offers little to anyone with some experience with TChalla. Its not bad, but its not good either. The art does a lot of it, and it does get some extra credit for including TChallas first appearance in the back. All told, I can recommend this to someone with kids, but its far from a must-buy. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Russ Burlingame Feb 7, 2018

    Pairing a competent-but-generic tale like this alongside an issue from Stan Lee and Jack Kirby's legendary Fantastic Four run does Sound and Fury no favors, as the King's rich, kinetic art leaps off the page and Lee's dated dialogue crackles in a way that the lead feature fails to do. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics: The Gathering - Batmanaruto Feb 10, 2018

    As someone who is a fan of the character this felt like a very hollow attempt at the character. I did find it entertaining but it didn't really feel like the writer got the voice of T'challa right. Read Full Review

  • 2.7
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 8, 2018

    The inclusion of a classic Stan Lee/Jack Kirby story helps add a bit of value, but new readers interested in learning more about T'Challa are better off looking elsewhere. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The GCRN - Daniel Clark Feb 16, 2018

    If there is any reason to pick up this book it is the reprinting of Black Panthers first appearance that is included. Having it right next to this comic does make it that much more apparent how off this mark everything about this issue was. The biggest is this issue will actual drive away poential new comic readers who assume this type of story is a standad affair. If that is you please know that comics are better than this. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    SloboSOY Feb 8, 2018

    Well I find it interesting. Hard to put its in the univers of the Black Panther movie with the 616 Klaw Look.
    The panther is a impressive detective & fighter. That is pleasant to have a comics reminding that.
    The FF53 is interesting for having klaw origin. But issue of the 60's is really hard to read in the present. They don't make comics the same way & the bubble are very charged & in number.

    I will judge the present issue not the FF53 one.
    Cover - Nice cover but didn't give anything of the plot inside. 1/2
    Writing - A great story. 3/3
    Arts - Very effective even if sometime not perfect 2.5/3
    Feeling - I enjoyed this reading. 2/2

  • 5.0
    Gizmo Mar 10, 2018

    I'd recommend reading the FF backup first as the main story is a soft sequel. The main story is pretty bad though, it tries to do to much in a one-shot and blatantly exposits in the dialogue with no shame. One thing I did enjoy was seeing what Klaw looked like before his transfermation, Marvel Studios really captured Kirby's original rendering of the character in Andy Circus.

  • 4.0
    CrazyforRAMU Aug 18, 2018

    The Black Panther saves Dubai (mmm, political rumbles, mmm) from Klaw. It's a cash-in for the MCU film and clearly a book targeted at youngsters. These facts do not excuse its shabbiness. The decision to bundle it with the awesomer-in-every-way Fantastic Four #53 ends up being a mistake. Yes, you get a GOOD comic in the mix, but it's also the perfect comparison to show how hollow and dull the modern strip is. The modern story shamelessly cribs the original's ending, too.

  • 10
    John Pomoli Dec 23, 2022

  • 7.5
    Spider-Woman06 Jan 12, 2023

  • 4.0
    iPodwithnomusic Feb 9, 2018

  • 3.0
    Psycamorean Oct 10, 2018

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