Black Widow #1
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Black Widow #1

Writer: Marjorie Liu Artist: Daniel Acuna Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: April 14, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 14 User Reviews: 5
6.7Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

The deadly super-spy from IRON MAN 2, INVINCIBLE IRON MAN and CAPTAIN AMERICA in her own ongoing series! Who could be deadly enough to get the drop on the Black Widow? And what connections do they have to some of her closest super hero friends…?

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Apr 29, 2010

    Black Widow starts strong, and looks to develop nicely into a worthy series worth following. Natasha Romanoff really hasnt been portrayed as a solo lead type of character in the past. Shes been oft regulated to the part of an established heros supporting cast, mostly as a love interest. So launching her into her own title must be seen as a bit of a gamble. If she maintains a supporting cast of the likes displayed in issue #1 though, shell quickly be able to take over the limelight role and eventually go it solo more often. Shes definitely a character with plenty of back story and ties to several of the leading men of the Marvel Universe, so there should be plenty of fodder for storylines and guest stars. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Matt Duarte Sep 14, 2010

    I think this is one of the highest point in the series, O'Malley is able to perfectly challenge the jealousy, melancholy, and conflicted feelings of running into past flame. The book is still very entertaining, actionheavy and high on the joke content, but the emotions he is able to make his characters convey are what make Scott Pilgrim and The Infinite Sadness stand out above the rest. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Apr 21, 2010

    To tell you the truth, a lot of the comics that are sent to reviewers really aren't that good. We get bombarded with PDF files each week and only a handful of the comics are worth the mass email that their publishers send out. I've spared you the agony of reading me trashing a good number of them myself. Hotwire, however, stands apart. It is a fastpaced, complex, and incredibly engaging action tale with some of the smartest character writing I've read in a long time. The art is lush and exciting. The extras are superb. This is the type of book that I'm glad to find in my email inbox. In fact, this is a book that I'd be proud to have on my shelf and you should too (in other words, if anyone at Radical is reading this, I want a hardcopy of the actual print release!). Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    IGN - Bryan Joel Apr 14, 2010

    Most fans will be relieved to find that Marjorie Liu actually has a direction and a plan for this title outside of "cheap, quick Iron Man 2 cash-in." Her first issue of Black Widow is immediately engaging and cool, and Daniel Acuna has never looked better. Things are looking promising for this series. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Comic Addiction - Chris Partin Apr 13, 2010

    The art in this issue by Daniel Acuña is just superb. I know Acuña’s art style isn’t for everyone, but this issue is a much more subdued Acuña that I’m use to seeing, and I love it! I think Acuña’s style works well for this issue and I’m very curious to see how he and Liu work with one another as this series progresses. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Apr 14, 2010

    I'm excited to have another Marvel series that I'm genuinely interested in reading. My first exposure to Natasha was through "Marvel Team-Up" #85. Later I would follow her adventures through "Avengers" as well as a series of miniseries, but this feels like a brand new beginning worthy of celebration. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Apr 19, 2010

    The best advice is to wait for the collection. Or the movie. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 9, 2010

    Overall, this issue was fairly average. I'm still enjoying it, but there are flaws that may hurt the event in the long run if they aren't corrected in future issues. Things like Daredevil's weak motivation or the senseless fighting with other heroes these make for an easy access event, but lack the depth and characterization necessary for an event of this size. I'm hoping the ongoing Daredevil can continue to compliment this series as it did with the first issue last month. If not, this could fizzle out quickly. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Christine Hanefalk Apr 17, 2010

    This issue very nearly earned a Buy It rating since I quite enjoyed it and intend to continue to read this series. However, I'm not sure this is everyone's cup of tea, and since I can't guarantee its universal appeal Check It seemed a more appropriate verdict. However, if you're a fan of Natasha's, and like your stories fairly down to earth, I strongly suggest you check out this issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan K Lindsay Jun 24, 2010

    This is a solid series, and there are so many reasons to buy it (the long and slowburning plot, the amazing pencil and colour work of Epting and Stewart, the definitive history of the Marvel U) but I don't feel that's the rating coming out of me. I enjoyed the title, and think many of you would as well, but it wasn't all that I exactly hoped it would be. I really hope in the end you'll go out and check it out for yourself and make up your mind. It might be just what you're after, and I'm pretty sure you won't walk away disappointed. This is far too grand to leave anyone thinking they didn't get some value for the price of admission. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill May 21, 2010

    But that's it, and I'm left to wonder, is the entire four-issue series going to be full of minor details about also-rans? I was expecting more than just background detailing from this project. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Apr 14, 2010

    Though things get off to something of a start-stop beginning, once this get rolling, this is a tight comic. Considering that the action scenes floundered a little and that Natasha spends a good chunk of this issue sprawled out, I'd almost prefer to see a series just about how she lives her normal life with Bucky. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka May 21, 2010

    I really enjoyed the art throughout the book but, once again, Marvel has simply presented us with a sampler. With all the money we pour into Marvels products, this, along with their other sampler comic this week, Enter the Heroic Age, should be paltry gifts that they give us for free or at a greatly reduced price. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Apr 20, 2010

    There is no excuse for this kind of shoddy writing. Research wasn't really even necessary. Common sense should have stopped this writer in his/her tracks. Read Full Review

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