A seemingly unstoppable force has invaded the Marvel Universe, and it's going to take every hero the streets of New York has to stop it! A strange substance is taking over heroes and citizens alike, draining them of their life force, stealing their knowledge and abilities, and neither science nor magic can stop it! Where did it come from? Can anything destroy it? And who will fall to its awful, overwhelming power?
Parental Advisory
What started just as Ben Grimm's worst nightmare has quickly become everyone's and it's so satisfying, if not frightening to read. Read Full Review
Damian Couciero has some good art in this issue. There are some breakout visual moments, but the art feels subdued in relation to the stakes of the story. Read Full Review
Horror fans should check this book out, and anyone whos a fan of Ben Grimm should also be looking this way. Fans of both are in for a real treat, and its a rare event comic that seems to be delivering on the promise. Read Full Review
In an issue that has obviously been bogged down by the weekly schedule, the highlight is one of Marvel's best street-level heroes getting a chance to shine! Hopefully, this series will end next week with a home run rather than a warning track fly out".. Read Full Review