Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #5
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Dark Reign: Fantastic Four #5

Writer: Jonathan Hickman Artist: Sean Chen Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 22, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 16
6.0Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

The Fantastic Four reunited just in time to try and save the kids as they face off with Norman Osborn and the agents of H.A.M.M.E.R. In the surprising conclusion see: The destruction of the Bridge! The triumph of an unlikely hero! And the coolest twist ending in years! Rated A …$2.99

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy Jul 21, 2009

    So, if you've been getting this series, you might as well go ahead and finish it off. It's not bad work by any means, but just isn't very inspiring, and a three bullet rating might be a little generous. Until we get to those last few pages, anyway. I don't know if they make up for what's come before, but at least they make it plain that Hickman is looking to the future and that his plans are pretty big. I just wish we could have gotten there more efficiently. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Jul 28, 2009

    There really isn't a whole lot to Dark ReignFantastic Four #5, but consider it a must read if you are looking forward to Hickman's Fantastic Four run. Read Full Review

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