• Good Night has removed Deadpool's bones!
• What has Good Night been doing since Deadpool killed his parents?
• I know the answer. It''s kinda messed up, you guys.
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What I will look forward to in future issues is the expansion of these arcs. What do these villains and side characters bring out in Deadpool? It often feels like as funny and amazing the issues are, I'm consistently trying to figure out “How does this relate to Wade?” This can be great short snippets, and maybe I am trying to psycho-analyze and do the impossible, but I am missing Wade's motivations. I get his reactions but not enough of the analysis. Read Full Review
Deadpool #11 succeeds in a way only Deadpool can, using the fourth wall to push the story forward in both an interesting and hilarious way. This is a creative team that clearly understands how to use the character. Read Full Review
Young and company have turned this mini-arc into something that might not have a huge effect on Deadpool in the long run, but is still an interesting read. Read Full Review
Good Night lays out his complete backstory which, as Deadpool points out at the end, is a tactical error when you're battling somebody with one of Marvel's strongest healing factors. It's got a certain grandeur to it, but Good Night's relentless focus on specific vengeance rather than general justice ensures that he has none of Batman's righteousness. It'll be incredibly easy to root against him in the climactic beatdown next month.
Well, I didn’t hate it! It wasn’t as try-hard as usual, so that was nice.
This was extremely quick. Uh, it's Batman... kind of. Meh.