Fantastic Four #542

Event\Storyline: Civil War Writer: Dwayne McDuffie Artist: Mike McKone Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 17, 2007 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 9
5.8Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

We Used to Go to Hyperspace for Donuts
The Fantastic Four as we know them are finished, torn apart by the strife of CIVIL WAR! What will happen to the fragmented first family of Marveldom now...and will some other foursome rise to take their place?

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Jan 21, 2007

    Writer Dwayne McDuffie takes over the regular duties as FF scribe from J. Michael Straczynski with this issue, and the good news is that it doesn't interrupt the flow of the storytelling at all. In fact, the transition is fairly seamless. McDuffie's take on the Civil War plot points is as smart and sharp as Straczynski's, perhaps even moreso. He makes Reed's decisions in the divisive crossover event make sense to a certain degree. Once again, his emotional side has been engulfed by the scientist in him. I love how McDuffie writes Reed and the Mad Thinker as respecting one another's intellect. These are lifelong enemies, but their dedication to science and knowledge trumps their disdain for what the other represents in terms of social position. Johnny's dialogue in the opening scene is plausible and clever, and I like that McDuffie manages to maintain the character's grounded tone while not resorting to depicting him as a dullard. McKone's art is as crisp as ever, and the softer tone he Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Jan 20, 2007

    Fantastic Four #542 was one of the better Civil War tie-in issues I have read. It was certainly better than anything that JMS gave us during his run on this title. I have high hopes that McDuffie just might be able to make Fantastic Four an interesting read once again. It certainly has been a long time since I really looked forward to reading this title. If you haven't read this title in a while, then the change at the writer position makes this a good time to give the Fantastic Four a try. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Luke Handley Jan 25, 2007

    This issue gives McDuffie and the reader a chance to take a closer look at what goes on inside Reed Richards head and why hes supporting an Act that the rest of his family are openly opposing. It doesnt exactly make him much more endearing, but does offer up a plausible explanation and tells it in an interesting way, with a little surprise thrown in at the end for good measure. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 18, 2007

    Theres a funny tone to this issue, gallows humor amidst the ruins, but that alone raises the book above the crude muck of the Civil War itself. And McKones art, especially in the mostly low-key discussion scenes, is full of humanistic detail and pleasing spatial clarity. So much good here, but the book is in a holding pattern waiting to get back to an actual story that makes sense. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Martijn Form Jan 22, 2007

    Shame on you Joe Quesada and Tom Brevoort for letting this issue be printed. Time for readers to go back to their comic book store and demand a refund. Read Full Review

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