And two weeks later, the very next chapter! The world turns upside-down... be here to see it happen. This series features every X-Man and Avenger you can think of!!
I'm not quite sold on the cover to this issue. While I recognize that it's trying to sell that idea that Logan is not part of this bright and shiny new world, I can't help but feel this idea could have been presented in a more visually dramatic manner. Still, the interior art does a lovely job when it comes to selling the readers this new world (from the quiet reveal of the opening pages, to the big splashy visual that closes the issue) and serves to give readers a good look at the sheer scope of the task that Wolverine is faced with. There's also a solid bit of action in the middle of the issue, that presents Warbird's new role with a visually exciting bit of action. There's also a number of little touches that add to the issue, from the plaque in front of the memorial that Remy slammed into, to the establishing shot of the students that make up Kitty's class. The issue also offers up a great Colossus moment in an amazing looking sequence. Wolverine's dream sequence also made a Read Full Review
And this issue, in this topsy-turvy world where mutants rule and humans, while not hunted or policed or chained, are a dwindling minority, the Beast gives us a patronizing, chilling lesson in how unconcerned the dominant class can be for the problems of the minority group. Its an odd reversal, both more subtle than other stories that just posit nightmarish mutant despots, and more inflammatory. To assert that attempts to isolate the mutant gene are reverse racism is something like the height of irony. I hope. Read Full Review
No, in the end House of M is an entertaining if not particularly inspiring read. Die hard Avengers or X-Men fans will likely snatch it up in droves, but it remains to be seen if the series will live up to the hype. After all it doesnt take a mutant telepath to see that Marvel is more concerned with dollar signs than drama. Read Full Review