House Of M #4

Event\Storyline: House of M Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Olivier Coipel Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 20, 2005 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 24
7.0Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

The fate of the entire world rests on the shoulders of one young girl, the newest of new mutants, Layla Miller. She is about to become the most important person in the Marvel Universe and this is her first appearance. Starring the entire Marvel Universe.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Aug 11, 2005

    First off I have to say that while I wish the covers offered up a little more variety when it come to the colours as the overpowering influence of a single color does give them a washed out appearance, that robs them of the initial impact. However, I will say that I loved the idea of excitement of this image sells, as one look at this cover and I had to read this comic. Now the scene that this cover represents inside the issue doesn't really materialize inside, but there is a nice little bit of off panel violence where we see Hawkeye removes the tracking device from Wolverine's neck in a decidedly brutal fashion. The arrival of the Sentinels is also an impressive bit of action as is the follow-up scene where we see Cloak gets to save the day. I also have to say that while it's a little throw away moment, the panel where we see the young girl balks as Wolverine's suggestion that she get ready to save the world is the moment that actually sold me on this aspect of the story, as there's a Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jul 22, 2005

    Most interesting: Wanda doesnt appear, but Emma certainly does, and that panel of her coming home, composed and complacent, to find a blood-stained, scruffy Wolverine and his posse in her living room is worth the price of the issue alone. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jul 28, 2005

    As the middle issue of an event comic, theres perhaps nothing more disparaging than to say than that I was disinterested in and slightly bored with the events of this issue of House of M. But in fairness, when you view the series as a whole, its clear that this fourth issue carries the burden of necessary exposition as much for the benefit of the characters involved as for that of the reader and as such, did well to occasionally escape the shackles of storytelling by raising some fairly interesting plot points and giving us some more telling glimpses into the twisted reality of House of M than weve been allowed so far. Whilst this issue doesnt exactly build on my enthusiasm for the series, its a functional piece of storytelling which is bound to find its place as part of the whole - which has averaged a fairly good story overall, despite having to pick through several uneven instalments to find it. Roll on the next issue, and lets hope it has more oomph than issue #4. Read Full Review

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