The comic event of the decade continues. The Marvel Universe has indeed been rocked to its very core and more and more rebels join to rise up against what has happened. But can Spider-Man handle the truth about his life as it is and his life as it was? The fallout will shock you! Also, the rebels have gathered and are ready to fight! But who is behind the House?
Olivier Coipel is turning out his best work yet, and he couldn't have picked a better project to bring his A-game to the table, as it's easily his highest profile project. Part of the credit should go to the highly polished inks of Tim Townsend, as he brings out the details on the page. The book opens with a wonderfully surreal sequence as Emma and Layla take a literal tour inside the young girl's head. The artists sell the big impact scene where Peter Parker is woken up as, in addition to a lovely double-page shot that offers up a quick tour of the character's thirty plus years of adventures, the follow-up page where images of Gwen's death intrudes upon his happy new life add some emotional weight. There are a wealth of little details, from Logan spending the issue running around in his blood spattered shirt, to Luke Cage's disgusted expression when the Toad uses his tongue to ensnare him. The final page reveal is handled to near perfection, and we are left with the sense that Magneto Read Full Review
A lot will rest on the conclusion of this miniseries, and there are certainly enough elements in motion for Bendis to construct a barnstorming finale. Theres just a nagging feeling that things are dragging slightly, as after five issues weve only just gotten to a stage where the heroes know whats going on and are ready to begin to set things right. Im enjoying House of M a lot more than I expected to, but it still has some way to go before it really delivers on the promise of its core concept. Read Full Review
Visual flair: Coipels as at home with these A-List Marvel characters as if hes been drawing them for years. Well, it has been a couple by now I suppose. His version of Lorna especially is one of the loveliest ever, but he nails all the emotional scenes, too. A panel with all the players arrayed before a yet to wise-up Peter is very well composed. Read Full Review
I love Marvel comics. I love Marvel characters. I just can't love House of M no matter how hard I try. It breaks my heart. If you're loving Bendis's reign at Marvel, then by all means - read this book. If you're not into his work, however, try your best to hunker down and wait for things to eventually change. Read Full Review