Jean Grey #5

Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Anthony Piper Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 9, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 22
7.6Critic Rating
7.6User Rating

• After an adventure with the legendary God of Thunder himself, JEAN GREY realizes that fighting the Phoenix will take more than just will take METAL.
•  Luckily, there's an X-Man who knows something about turning resolve into ordnance...
•  Enter: PSYLOCKE!
Rated T+

  • 9.8
    On Comics Ground - Tyler Wing Aug 14, 2017

    The one thing X-Men fans love to do remarkably often is to compare, contrast, and contest the host of female telepaths within their ranks in a futile effort to flush out who among them is superior. Dennis Hopeless takes a higher road by using the bonds of friendship and unique character attributes to highlight the strengths of the two foremost among them and gives fans of both an abundance to celebrate in exchange for their dedication and faith. Though the solo title is central to Grey, Hopeless utilizes his stories to provide equal footing to all characters and brilliant moments for both Jean and the montage of guests wisely choosing to build up rather than tear down. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Weird Science - Columbus Comics Corner Aug 14, 2017

    Psylocke takes a back seat in her approach to training Jean. With a little bit of guidance, Psylocke existentially throws Jean right into the mix and forcing Jean to learn how to swim on her own. She's pretty laid back the entire issue and comes off stoned out of her gourd. Which by the end, unfortunately, Psylocke's dialogue comes off a bit wooden. Someone get this lady coffee, she's zoning out.The art team does an amazing job of changing up the style from the last issue, to fit the vibe of Psylocke's appearance and role. How is it Jean Grey, not a flagship title, even with an art change, still has better and consistent art than any of the flagship X-Titles? Bits and Pieces:Don't sleep on this title and give young Jean a chance. Read Full Review

  • 7.3
    IGN - Blair Marnell Aug 10, 2017

    It's strange reading an issue of Jean Grey after this week's Generations: Phoenix & Jean Grey #1, because that's a much better Jean Grey story than this one. Read Full Review

  • 6.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Brandon J. Griffin Aug 9, 2017

    Jean Grey #5 may be the weakest installment so far, but not enough to warrant concern. Dennis Hopeless' voice for Jean is superb and an absolute joy. This issue suffers from the supporting characters falling flat in comparison to the previous guests. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Bleeding Cool - Joshua Davison Aug 12, 2017

    This isnt a particularly bad issue, but it is wildly mediocre in the grand scheme of things. Its fun in some moments, but it feels inconsequential in the story of Jean Grey. The next issue promises Doctor Strange, so, once again, Jean Grey will be a walking tour of the Marvel Universe while not setting time aside for Jean Grey herself. Read Full Review

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