Major X #0
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Major X #0

Writer: Rob Liefeld, Eric Stephenson Artist: Rob Liefeld Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: August 7, 2019 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 6
4.8Critic Rating
5.1User Rating

Representing the classic Wolverine (1988) #154-155 with an all-new Major X frame short story written & drawn by Rob Liefeld!
Deadpool accepts a hit from a mysterious group of overzealous techies called the Watchtower. His intended target? Wolverine! There's a bounty on Logan's head, and Deadpool plans to collect! But will the Watchtower prove too morally questionable for even the Merc?  The beginnings of the hit Major X series can be found in these classic stories!
Rated T+

  • 6.0
    You Don't Read Comics - Brandon Masters Aug 7, 2019

    If youre a fan of Rob Liefeld and Major X, this issue should be in your collection. It loosely fits with the rest of the storyline, and $5.00 for 60 pages actually is not that bad these days. However, the stories are flawed in a way that feels like they were created and saved in the 90s for a future era. As such, it is remarkably bizarre and tries to market itself off Liefelds name alone. And thats just not enough anymore. Read Full Review

  • 4.5
    Geek'd Out - Jonathan Boes Aug 7, 2019

    Theres just not enough fresh story here to justify the over-sized issue. Read Full Review

  • 4.0 - Matthew Aguilar Aug 7, 2019

    There is a cool tester between the story and how Major X got his weapon, but that's just not enough to make this a must read. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Psycamorean Aug 15, 2019

    The worst part of this issue was the new material because Rob Liefeld can't write well at all. The two Wolverine issues that were reprinted were better. Probably because Liefeld didn't write the scripts. Still, this was a glorified reprint and incredibly pointless. But I guess I didn't hate the two Wolverine issues that much. Deadpool was there and he was written pretty well.

  • 3.0
    I-Zick Aug 12, 2019

    Spoiler Alert!!

    Aren't #0 issues supposed to be the origin is the character? This is origin of his sword. I guess Liefeld wanted to write a Wolverine story, or tie Wolverine into Major X.

    The art panels are inconsistent. Where Wolverine is fighting Deadpool & a group of bad guys. But some how the bad guys disappeared and only fighting Deadpool. And then there all back at the end of the fight. Then some how Logan's in a bar... What the hell!!!

    I can't get passed how Wolverine then gets ready to fight someone by putting on his mask. And turn the page Wolverines jumping at the guy to start the fight, BUT WAIT... Where the hell did his mask go????

    I was so confused, I thought I skipped a page or not. more

  • 2.0
    CrazyforRAMU Feb 27, 2020

    Eight pages of new content wrapped around a pair of nigh-meaningless Wolverine issues from 2000. Direct comparison just shows that Mr. Liefeld's storytelling skills have stagnated or even regressed in 19 years.

  • 8.0
    CesarCastanha Aug 10, 2019

  • 7.0
    Maker Aug 7, 2019

  • 5.0
    Marvelll Jun 9, 2020

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