• MILES confronts his family's past and his terrifying future
• All this and Miles unleashes a NEW SPIDER-POWER!!
Rated T+
This is the best issue of MILES MORALES we've had in quite some time. For the first time in months, it didn't feel messy. We get back to the Spider-Robbers story, finally, and for the first time in a long while, Miles gets a bit of down time to get his affairs in order. This all leads up to a fantastic final page, which will reel readers in for the final two issues of the series. Read Full Review
The moment has arrived: Miles Morales IS Spider-Man! This is a fun issue that captures and maintains the vibrant spirit of the series that started it all. Easily the best Spider-Man book on the shelves right now. Go get it and enjoy! Read Full Review
This issue delivers an effective blend of humor, personal conflicts and bigger drama as Miles deals with his feelings for Katie Bishop and his first exposure to the menace that is Hydra. Read Full Review
The friendships, uncertainty, and stress of meeting parents that are all part of adolescence are on display in a fun and relatable issue of Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man. Read Full Review
Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #10 is a great return to form after a couple flashback issues that, while good, didn't have the same “feel” as previous issues. Bendis and Marquez are a dynamic duo and their skills make Miles Morales one of the most entertaining characters in comics. This is a great comic and I highly recommend you check out Miles even if the end of his world as we know it might be coming. Read Full Review
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man#10 hasaction, entertaining dialogue, furthers the plot,and continues to establish Miles Moralesas the one true Spider-Man while still showing him having ordinary teen strugglesas usual. Thereare few slip-ups in regards to the Spider-Man twins plot line and a stray bit of dialogue or two,butMiles Morales#10 isanother goodchapter in one of Marvel's perennial best series. Read Full Review
This is one of the best issues in awhile for the series. It's fun, well paced, and has an excellent cliff-hanger that sets up the final two issues of the series. Everything feels clean here and nothing about the issue is confusing. It's a good superhero book, and fans will be relieved that the series has found its stride again. It's just unfortunate that this is coming right at the end of the series. Read Full Review
"Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man" continues to be a homerun book and it's sad to know that there is an end in sight for the characters of this world. For now, though, it's great to know there are books this exciting being published by major superhero publishers today. Read Full Review
His immediate future, however, is embroiled with Hydra, which was capped off with great emotion on the final page. Read Full Review
Stop stalling Bendis, you fucker