• For years, Michael Morbius has looked in the mirror and seen a monster. Thanks to his recent tampering with his own genes, that horror has become a reality.
• Can his immortal bloodlust finally be satiated - and at what cost?
Rated T+
All in all Morbius #5 does a great job catching up old fans with what Morbius has been up to, getting new fans on board with what Morbius is about and most importantly: Breeds excitement for what awaits Morbius in the future. Read Full Review
Overall, its a solid book and a good continuation into humanizing the monstrous Doctor. It didnt add anything new, but it didnt need to. It was entertaining, it was funny, and it had monster fights. What more do you need from a book about a living vampire for Blade's sake"? Sure, seeing more from the Marvel Vampires would be nice but that might happen down the line, right? Maybe some blood or something a bit less cookie-cutter? Ok , so its not great but it's better than some vampire stories in pop culture. Read Full Review
When it comes to creature feature comics, it's hard to beat Morbius #5. Loaded to the brim with all kinds of creepy crawlies, this issue does the perfect job of encapsulating the horror that is Michael Morbius. Read Full Review