New Avengers #17

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Mike Deodato Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 12, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 5
6.1Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The New Avengers are about to face their biggest threat...the
revitalized, the resurrected, the rejuvenated H.A.M.M.E.R…led by none other than Norman Osborn. What insanity is about to be unleashed on the world and what can the Avengers do to stop it?!

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero Oct 12, 2011

    There's some big things coming for the New Avengers. While fighting a giant threat in New Jersey, we find out there more to the attack than there appears to be. Every once in a while it's great to get an issue with over the top action. Having Mike Deodato and Will Conrad draw it makes it even better. We don't always get to see the New Avengers simply cut loose on their enemies but here they simply attack as soon as they arrive on scene. Iron Man's appearance and attempt to direct the team felt odd but seeing the seeds that are being planted for the next issue and arc is enough to get you salivating. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Oct 12, 2011

    Deodatos work is impressive. Hes changed how he draws his Norman Osborne. I see less Richard Nixon in his rendering. I think Deodato is a master comic book artist and Ill definitely pick up any other book hes working on in the future. However, right now, even the best part of the New Avengers is not enough to make read the same plot over and over again while I pay way too much money for a comic book whose writer after eight years should retire and allow someone else to tell the next chapter of Earths mightiest heroes. If you are not jaded by Bendis and the New Avengers, I say continue to read this series. Its not bad at all and there is still some humour left. But Im not willing to put up with this anymore so Im bailing out. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Oct 15, 2011

    Hopefully they'll get past this story and back to the usual high standards soon. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Crave Online - Iann Robinson Oct 17, 2011

    Mike Deodato and Will Conrad do a great job with the art. These two are detail-oriented artists, putting as much into the backgrounds as the focus of each panel. At the risk of sounding insulting, Deodato and Conrad have a very Michael Bay vibe going on in issue 17. Every single panel is the money shot; it's all presented with huge movement and epic action. This is one of the highest-octane comics I've read in a long time and it's all because of the art. It's clean even for such high detail and the characters are spot on. This is easily my favorite thing about this entire issue. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Oct 12, 2011

    Regular artist Mike Deodato is joined by Will Conrad in a similar arrangement to Deodato's later issues of Secret Avengers. As before, Conrad offers a decent facsimile of Deodato's dark, cinematic style. If anything, his pages are stronger because of Deodato's over-reliance on CG character models and photo-reference. Looking just at the cover, it's clear Ms. Marvel was modeled after her Bowen Designs statue, while Daredevil is doing his best Neal Adams Batman lunge. Considering that this event just kicked off, these qualities aren't a promising sign. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Geoff Arbuckle Oct 13, 2011

    While everything from when the little robot slashes Wolverine's throat to get a blood sample to the end of the book was actually quite good, everything leading up to it just helps prove my point that the Avengers franchise has gotten out of control. I can't help but to think that this team would find a way to lose to the Great Lakes Avengers. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 17, 2011

    The issue isn't a bad one, but I've got admit it's pretty damned unimpressive. Even the trademark dialogue writer Brian Michael Bendis is known for seems strained. If the issue is simply meant to (underwhelmingly) jump off a new story arc this one does the job (but little else). However, if the point of the issue was to draw in new readers with a brand new team it fails miserably and it gives me no reason to pick up the next issue. Hit-and-Miss. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 12, 2011

    This issue of "New Avengers" is enough to convince me that all the Avengers I might need in the near future can be found elsewhere. That's a crying shame, too, as the Avengers franchise has so much potential. After all, there is a movie coming out and a relatively successful cartoon. I'm glad those vehicles already appeal to me more than what I endured here. Read Full Review

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