Not only was this issue fun and interesting therefore, it also really progressed the story well. The flashbacks were fascinating and the investigation work by Bruce Banner was also fun. What I really like about this series though is that it is not just showing us what happened in the past between these two characters but at the same time it is and will be changing the dynamic of their relationship. I also really liked the scene with Tony and the whisky, but I cant decide if its because of the Eureka moment of because I just like The Balvenie!! Read Full Review
If only for the moment on the last page, I'd say pick up this book, though if you haven't been reading Original Sin it might seem a little out of place. The front-end synopsis does a good job of catching you up to speed, but this is definitely a story for the OS completest. Read Full Review
Whether you like the reinventing of the origin of Hulk or not this comic book is certainly weaving a good story into an established tale. The book is mostly set in the current time as Banner and Stark are trying to sort through the memory bomb that occurred in the Original Sin mini-series. When you read this book and then re-read the beginning of the previous issue the pieces are beginning to fall into place. This is a solid comic book to pick up. Read Full Review