Spider-Man #10

Event\Storyline: Civil War II Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Nico Leon Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: December 14, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 14
6.5Critic Rating
7.7User Rating

    CIVIL WAR II Aftermath!
•  The events of Civil War II have made Miles a target and will change the way the Marvel Universe looks at Spider-Man forever.
Rated T

  • 8.6
    Black Nerd Problems - Omar Holmon Dec 15, 2016

    This has been one of the better issues of Spider-Man if only for the ending that's a curve ball but also the final page of the series and how much of a "awwwwww shiiiit" moment it provides. I'm hoping we can maintain this pace throughout the series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Dec 15, 2016

    Though not exactly a cornerstone of the Civil War II narrative, Spider-Man #10 still provides an interesting, if a bit airy, look into the mind of its leading man. Brian Michael Bendis, the architect behind this latest event craziness, delivers a nice, but inconsequential character study as the war reaches its long coming final stages. Nico Leon, Marte Gracia and Rachelle Rosenberg inject some much needed flair into the proceedings, but keep their work relatively reigned in to match Bendis’ low-key scripting. The human cost of war is always the steepest and Spider-Man #10 shows that Miles Morales may be the one paying it once the bill comes due for the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Superior Spider-Talk - Tony Goodwyn Dec 19, 2016

    Emotional but ultimately pointless, this issue's only saving graces are the great artwork and the character study of its likable star. Unfortunately, it's little more than a rehash of what's happened in the main event comics. Do better, Marvel. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    AIPT - Nick Nafpliotis Dec 14, 2016

    On the plus side, Nico Leon makes everything look beautiful. Just like last issue, his paneling perfectly facilitates the large amount of conversation and emotional beats. Most television shows aren't this good at making their characters interact. I just wish he and Bendis' story was also occurring in its originally intended form. If this was actually the way things were supposed to go, however, then it still feels very off and unsatisfying. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    A_Braxton Dec 14, 2016

    The beauty of Spider-man's tie-ins to Civil War II is that the event-avoiding reader is not lost as the story progresses. Rather, these issues have preserved the story while expounding upon the impact that the Second Superhuman War has had upon Miles and his supporting cast.

    For this issue, the author recaps the story in the form of Miles emotionally processing his experiences in Washington D.C. Issue #10 demonstrated the character development of Miles that has been building ever since his days in the Ultimate Universe. The sub-story of Miles fearing that he will become like his Uncle was fully displayed and it made the reader really root for the character. Miles's inner conflict makes him the hero that he is and uniquely define more

  • 9.0
    freemanlouis7 Dec 17, 2016

    Great art and emotionally taunt issue. A little more action and it would have been a ten.

  • 8.0
    RustonLF Dec 19, 2016

    If you have been reading stories of Miles for a while then the revelations in this issue will not be that shocking. It does sum up the fears he has as a hero. I also liked that Ms Marvel was involved because it helps build on why they felt Champions needed to be formed. This is a good tie-in to the divide that Civil War II has created. I am sure this issue will get lower reviews because it is coming out at the wrong time. At this point people have moved on from the CWII event. And people are sick of seeing Miles standing over a dead Steve. I would not agree though. The solo titles are meant to explore the characters further. This issue does exactly that. Exploring the impact this has had on him.

  • 6.0
    mrDovydas Jan 2, 2017

    Civil War 2 hurt this book A LOT, just hoping that it will get better soon

  • 5.5
    Spock's Brain Dec 20, 2016

    The final few pages of the issue are interesting and seem relevant… The rest is more of Bendis repeating a scene we've already seen done in another comic...Except for the final pages this is a frustrating waste of time… please please please let this put the god awful disaster that was Civil War II to bed

  • 9.5
    Nuno Dec 17, 2016

  • 9.0
    iPodwithnomusic Feb 15, 2018

  • 8.5
    StanielK Dec 17, 2016

  • 8.0
    JCP Jan 21, 2018

  • 7.5
    jmprados Mar 15, 2017

  • 7.5
    Afre Dec 15, 2016

  • 7.0
    sebastianorellana95 Dec 15, 2016

  • 7.0
    EDiakota Dec 14, 2016

  • 6.0
    Jabberwocky_Superfly Dec 16, 2016

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