A fifty-page extravaganza! JEDI MASTER LUKE SKYWALKER must teach his student BEN SOLO a powerful lesson about the true balance between LIGHT and DARK. He offers up a tale from the days of the REBEL ALLIANCE that touches on ALL ERAS OF STAR WARS HISTORY, and brings this epic run to a thrilling, incredible conclusion!
Rated T
Charles Soule pens what I consider the greatest Star Wars comic ever written, and it's a story that took a big chance with the story and it connects in a big way. It's quite possibly the best work Charles has ever done, and it's under strong consideration for making it onto my Mount Rushmore of favorite comics of all time. This is an issue you CANNOT miss, and is an instant must read for all Star Wars fans. If it's not in your pull list, do yourself a favor and go pick up this issue ASAP. Read Full Review
The framing device for the story takes place during the time Ben was Luke's apprentice on Ossus Read Full Review
The StoryWhile contemplating the past, present and future. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker tells his young Padwan Ben Solo about the last adventure he shared with Princess Leia, Lando Calrissian, and Chewie before the events seen in Return of The Jedi. In the story we see Luke dive into a bunch of mushrooms where he has himself quite the trip in which he is offered information about a weapon that can kill The Emperor, but what are the costs of such a weapon? Read Full Review
Star Wars #50 is a great tale that feels intricate and complex but once finished, the lesson is clear, and the results are compelling. Soule has captured different eras beautifully while adding to the larger canon. Read Full Review
Musabeokv delivers some stunning art throughout the issue. The visuals are lively and beautifully detailed as they mix in great emotion and action. Read Full Review
Had this issue been an Annual or any other type of one-shot, it would have gone down much more satisfyingly, but as a sendoff to the series that has no current plans to be revived, we're left feeling a bit somber about what could have been. Read Full Review
This would be a perfectly fine single issue story at any other point in the series, but I found it to be a disappointing ending. This tracks though as all the series under this current phase have felt very stretched out with mediocre filler stories unlike the multiple fantastic series under the previous phase.