This was fine. I think this series took a hit in its final two issues, which is unfortunate. But I still think it was overall a good read.
It’s weird because I was way into this but it kinda went out with a whimper? Like, not bad, just not as good as I thought the earlier issues were!
Up until this issue, this was a fun cosmic adventure. But, damn, what a horrible ending... And why change artists? And why did ebony maw look like judge Cal?
Derek Landy writes a fine Ebony Maw- and that’s about all the good stuff in this issue. First of all, giving the Black Order a mini series was risky, but giving it to a writer who’s never wrote a comic before is even riskier. This issue was pretty boring and the series itself made the Black Order kind of come off as weak. The only reason I got this comic was because it bounced out of Avengers: No Surrender but it didn’t come close to my expectations. They tried to give these characters depth, and it only worked with Black Dwarf. The Black Order are better written as a mysterious near-unstoppable threat to the Avengers or something, not doing boring missions for the Grandmaster. There were some bright spots though, like Tan’s beautiful art. Unfortunately, this issue Tan didn’t draw, which also contributes to its low rating more
No idea why they didn’t let Phillip Tan finish drawing HIS MINI-SERIES! ON THE FINAL ISSUE!!! It ruined the whole fucking book. Fuck whoever made that decision
S'cute and all that the Maw SAYS the Order will be playing for themselves the next time we see them -- but we've already read Donny Cates's Guardians, where the Order is right back to toiling in Thanos's salt mines.