An X-Man from the future arrives in the present with a dire warning: One of mutantkind's most hyper-advanced foes is eating his way through time, trying to stop the X-Gene from ever evolving in the first place. Only two X-Men can stop this chronal predator from achieving his goal-if they can tolerate working together long enough. Join BISHOP and CABLE on a trip through futures past, present and beyond. Your first look at the most unforgettable stories of 2025 begins here!
Timeslide #1 is an effective and entertaining preview of Marvel's 2025, blending a nostalgic look at iconic moments with bold new concepts for the year ahead. Steve Foxe and Ivan Fiorelli craft a satisfying one-shot that raises the stakes with a compelling villain while spotlighting the chemistry between Bishop and Cable. Though the visual teases of future stories feel underwhelming, the issue excels at getting fans excited for what's to come in the Marvel Universe. Read Full Review
Timeslide #1 works better as a prequel to future stories than a standalone comic. Read Full Review
Timeslide Issue 1 is a one-shot that affects everything. The consequences of this storyline will reverberate across the Marvel Universe, shaking up the timeline and all future books. Read Full Review
Timeslide #1 is a fine comic that has some teases and a serviceable story. I generally like the idea of what Marvel has been trying to do, but they've really gotten to the point where these teaser comics get me pumped for what's to come. There's something there, it just doesn't quite do what it's supposed to really be doing. Read Full Review
Timeslide #1 is the annual event that teases what's to come for Marvel in 2025 and beyond, wrapped in a paper-thin plot that centers on a new villain with potential. Steve Foxe's script barely holds together, but Ivan Fiorelli's art looks great, and if all you want are the 2025 teases for Marvel, you'll get what you pay for. Read Full Review
Timeslide is ultimately a get the job done comic book. The adventure Bishop and Cable are sent on is ultimately predictable without a major twist. The only thing really accomplished is teasing out the names of storylines expected in 2025. Even then this teaser is presented in the most boring way possible. You can most certainly not worry about having missed out on something if you did not read this comic book. Read Full Review
A convoluted mess, but with time travel it always is. This was....fine I guess but it also feels like it's only for the most hard core mutant collectors. If you wait you'll be able to pick this up from the dollar bins easily. The art was the best part of this book.
Mostly a subpar Cable & Bishop story with the "FUTURE OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE — REVEALED!" being one panel with a list of what look to basically be the titles of upcoming storylines and crossovers. (Thrilling glimpses include "X-Men fight each other (no further details)", "The latest return of a C-lister who's died often enough that he should be getting frequent flier miles from Charon" and "The new new new new new New Champions".)