X-Force: Sex & Violence #1
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X-Force: Sex & Violence #1

Writer: Craig Kyle, Chris Yost Artist: Gabriele Dell'Otto Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: July 14, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 5
8.4Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

Just when you thought it was over, we pull you back in—it’s the X-Force story everyone’s been talking about, finally delivered! Wolverine and Domino have always had a special relationship, but everything goes upside down when the Assassins Guild puts out a hit on our gun wielding bombshell. Why do they want her dead? And more importantly, how many people have to die before Wolverine and Domino can spend some quality time together? Get ready for the sexiest blood-soaked ride Craig Kyle and Chris Yost have ever delivered as they join forces with international superstar Gabriele Dell'otto to offer up their final X-Force story! Parental more

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jul 15, 2010

    While it is just a straightforward action story, the painted art is worth the price of admission alone. But even looking past the art, I enjoyed the story a great deal as well. Like a great action flick in comic book format. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jul 19, 2010

    I had high expectations going into this one thanks to the absolutely stellar creative team and they did not disappoint. This is a ton of fun with great action, superb character work, and some of the best looking art you'll see in any comic this week. Yes, it is a little light on story, but what is there is entertaining as the comic lives up to its potential in spades. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Tacopina Jul 16, 2010

    Normally this would be a title that I would be extremely impressed with but since it is Kyle & Yost it is just more of the high quality you would expect. And while the general gist of this story isnt blazing any new trails it is done exquisitely and is worth the read. If you are already invested into the endeavors of mutants this is a slam dunk no-brainer! Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jul 14, 2010

    If you'd like to know my one real problem with Sex and Violence at present, it's that it isn't as violent or sexy as I would have expected. In all honesty, Mike Choi's issues of X-Force were far more graphic and bloody. Choi had a tendency to draw every last giblet and brain fragment spilling from the bodies of Wolverine's victims. Dell'Otto doesn't strive for that obsessive anatomical detail. As for the romantic entanglements, that side of the equation barely enters the picture in issue #1. Even curse words are censored. I wish Marvel had slapped a MAX label on the book and let Kyle and Yost really go to town. A book with the subtitle "Sex + Violence" is doing itself a disservice to settle for a PG-13 rated tone. Read Full Review

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