X-O Manowar #10

Writer: Robert Venditti Artist: Trevor Hairsine Publisher: Valiant Comics Release Date: February 20, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 8 User Reviews: 2
7.9Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Planet Death looms! A new X-O Manowar rises! And nothing can stop what's coming. With the Vine invasion fleet waiting in orbit, Aric of Dacia is forced into the one battle he never wanted, against the strongest, most horrifying opponent he's ever faced.  This adversary doesn't want the X-O Manowar armor.  It doesn't want Earth.  It only wants Aric - dead.  The winner will hold the fate of everyone - human and Vine - in the palm of his hand.  Because before this fight is over, the armor will reveal that it wields far more destructive potential than anyone could have possibly imagined.  Robert Venditti and Trevor Hairsine conclude t more

  • 9.0
    Multiversity Comics - David Harper and Brandon Burpee Feb 20, 2013

    This book gets a big fat solid 9.0! This is the best Valiant book of the month without a doubt in my mind. If this book gets any more awesome I'm going to have to make Valiant start covering the cost to replace my socks which keep getting blown off! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comics: The Gathering - lucstclair Feb 20, 2013

    As terrific as this story arc was, I think the best has yet to come when Aric takes the fight to The Vine home world in next month’s “Planet Death” storyline. See you in 30. Read Full Review

  • 8.1
    IGN - Benjamin Bailey Feb 20, 2013

    Trevor Hairsine does a fine job here, although there are a few hiccups throughout. The characters can still look a little off at times (especially in their eyes), but once the fists start flying and lasers start shooting, all is forgiven. Hairsine does a great job with action, although I'm still not a 100% sure what exactly happened when the armor blew up the enemy fleet. This is not the best looking issue of X-O Manowar, but it's still a good comic and does a fine job of earning your attention. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Read Comic Books - Tommy Lutz Feb 19, 2013

    X-O Manowar #10 sees the series hitting a big stride and reaching for the stars. If there is one Valiant series worth reading, it's X-O Manowar (but they're really all worth reading.) The negative outlook on the art in this issue should not deter readers from picking it up. The series is headed in an exciting direction with the final scene in this issue, and the next issue has Carey Nord back on art duties. If you are looking for a good jumping on point for an intense sci-fi action comic then you should either pick up #9 when you grab this issue, or just wait for #11 as this issue is a conclusion to a prelude to a story arc. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Feb 20, 2013

    X-O Manowar delivers 500CCs of awesomeness to your brain, which you will overdose on an die, but it was a good death. It was an honorable death. You will be remembered.The build up to the upcoming Planet Death story has been downright amazing. It's set the bar pretty darn high. Venditti is doing wonders on this series, and this issue is proof of that. You will have a ton of fun reading it, and once again, it's my favorite series currently at Valiant. On the downside, I had a few problems with Hairsine's art here, but nothing too major.Overall, I highly recommend this issue. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Kenneth Bowden Feb 24, 2013

    Now on one hand that is some selfish shit right there, but on the other considering dude sold out his parent race to save the world he is a survivor. How exactly will Alexander stay alive riding solo with a worldwide secret alien empire gunning for him? One can only speculate so far, but considering that the only other person fully aware of the invasion is the sick shinobi Ninjak. Well I’m thinking if Alexander is any kind of smart he knows exactly where to go to get help and while I don’t doubt that subplot will probably be overshadow by Aric’s one man campaign against a whole world, I am also sure it will just add one more layer of flavor to this big bucket of awesome sauce we have already. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - Kassim Mirza Feb 21, 2013

    At the end of the day, it's like this. X-O Manowar is easily one of the best titles out there right now for one simple reason: there's nothing else truly like it. That's thanks in part to the entertaining and commanding physical presence that Aric has through his actions and his words. In other words: Aric is a friggin' badass. And in the wake of the events from X-O Manowar, I'm more than excited for Planet Death Part 1. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Geekality - Julius Freeman Feb 26, 2013

    The ending to this story arc was cool, action packed, and fluid, but as I wrote earlier, the resolution lacked that emotional punch leaving the reader empty like a shell. That's how I felt after reading this issue, empty, hollow, and dull. Read Full Review

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