X-O Manowar #50

9.6Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

IT'S HERE! THE GREATEST VALIANT MILESTONE OF ALL TIME! 64 MASSIVE PAGES! For centuries, the sacred X-O Manowar armor has stood unrivaled as the universe's most powerful weapon. Today, will it equal Earth's doom? An unthinkable alien race known only as The Torment has come to our world in search of the armor's secrets. Now, they stand opposed by Aric of Dacia - former slave, noble warrior, resolute king, and current master of the armor's near-limitless capabilities. But is one man...and one weapon...enough to repel a force capable of leveling a thousand civilizations? A whole new era for X-O Manowar begins here...and you won't believe what's c more

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Chuck Taylor Sep 25, 2016

    My many hats are off to Robert Venditti for keeping the pace of his prose, and making one of my favorite titles a treat over the years. Fifty plus issues is no small task for a writer that puts as much action and detail into a story as he does so well. This series will be a legacy of his that will be referenced for a long time. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Jason Laframboise Oct 4, 2016

    We get everything that made this series the fantastic read that is has been. Epic battles, Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon style space opera, great characters, the quiet moments that made it all work, and of course the hero at the centre of it all. And that really is the point of the whole book. It wasn't a story about super heroes, aliens, or monsters. It had all those elements, but at the heart of the book was the growth of the simple time lost warrior Aric. He has come a long way from his brash quick to anger and fight self in the first issue to the regal King and saviour of not only his people but also the alien race he fought against. It was a great story and this was the perfect way to end it. Joe Bennett's art is good, we get some really good pages here. The last panel of the main story.....it is awesome. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Sep 25, 2016

    Inherently, last issues are difficult to review because you want to try and provide everyone with a few thoughts while leaving the mystery open to those truly interested in seeing a story through to its conclusion. If you take away anything from this blurb at all it would be to buy this book. In today's comic landscape,  it's exceedingly rare, when reboots and relaunches rule the sales charts, for a superhero comic to have a coherent beginning, middle and end to a story. X-O Manowar has proven this tried and true formula of storytelling can produce top notch entertainment when given the time to grow. I want more like it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - Alex K Cossa Sep 28, 2016

    X-O Manowar #50 is one of the most rewarding, and satisfying, conclusions to a comic book story arc that you're ever likely to read. Plot threads are wrapped up, bows are tied, the saga is over, and my jaw is firmly on the floor.Remember my earlier question of whether you should start reading X-O Manowar with the final issue? It is possible to do that and still appreciate the comic for what it is: fucking amazing. Read Full Review

  • 10
    All-Comic - Amy Okamoto Sep 27, 2016

    X-O Manowar #50 is a must-not-be-missed book. This is a landmark issue that not only closes this particular chapter of X-Os adventures, but offers readers both a fitting tribute and a future. Special thanks go out to writer Robert Venditti for his work on this title. You are a definitive Valiant voice. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Nerds On The Rocks - Dan Crotty Oct 3, 2016

    A resounding send-off for a king and Valiant's premiere title. Killer art from cover to cover, interesting & varied stories featuring a diverse team of talent. Long live X-O Manowar! Long live the king! Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Geeked Out Nation - Jideobi Odunze Sep 28, 2016

    X-O Manowar #50 was everything it was hyped to be. I don't think there could have been anything more you could have asked for these fifty issues that they didn't deliver unto us. Long Live The King because I don't think there has ever been a superhero like Aric who has achieved so much and been through as much as he has in the span of a single run. This is evolution that other superhero universe can take queues from. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Heroes Direct - Adam Fitch Oct 1, 2016

    Instead of making things back to normal at the end of the comic, Valiant make a strong move by allowing changes going forward – each of which will affect characters going forward. We're treated to a number of subplots in this issue to accompany the big story, and each one adds a great amount of context to X-O while suggesting where the story could pick up from at a later date. We won't ruin things, but we will admit that there will probably be a return next year. Read Full Review

  • 9.4
    Word Of The Nerd - Holden Copeland Sep 30, 2016

    Overall X-O Manowar #50delivers on an action heavy and sentimental ending for thisseries as thecreative team ended their series run in epic fashion. Characters and plot lines are tied up nicely without any lingering questions. Fans of the series can take solace in the fact that the character was done justice and is left with a satisfying ending. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    GAMbIT Magazine - Alan D.D. Sep 28, 2016

    There are a few small problems thatI can't quite overlook in this massive issue, but it wasoverall still anamazing readand great way to end. I hope this is not the last time we see X-O Manowar as another mustrise as the new savior and king of worlds! Read Full Review

  • 8.7
    Multiversity Comics - Ken Godberson III Sep 29, 2016

    For four years, Robert Venditti and an army of artistic talent have crafted a sci-fi superhero story that was grounded in a violent man trapped in an unfamiliar time growing into maturity and wisdom. It had some high highs and some low lows. At the end of it all, this may not have been the ending some people were expecting, but it is one that the series deserved. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Sep 28, 2016

    X-O Manowar #50 is not a perfect comic book, but is a perfect send-off to Valiant's longest running title. Read Full Review

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