" Knock,knock. Who's there Rick. Ira. Ira who Rick ? Ira menber you. Doctor McGowan."
• The war has come home - and Shadow Base is the battleground.
• The stage is set for the final confrontation between the new ABOMINATION...
• ...and the IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+
This series was the first Hulk Series I ever read. Its been fantastic. The art. The characters. The story. Theres not much bad you can say at all.
• The war has come home - and Shadow Base is the battleground.
• The stage is set for the final confrontation between the new ABOMINATION...
• ...and the IMMORTAL HULK.
Rated T+
General Fortean makes a brutal solo strike against Gamma Flight, spacing out the action with flashbacks to some of his formative moments. The balance between forward motion and retrospective insight is perfect, and the character spotlight is appreciated. Ryan Bodenheim's guest art is a best-case scenario. It has an appealing style of its own while still linking closely to the title's established cmore
As the smoke from last issue clears, General Fortean makes a fateful decision. There can be no more half measure. No weapon is off the table. Force must be met with equal force. This is a war without rules... and SHADOW BASE is going to win.
Rated T+