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Joined: Dec 08, 2015

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Mechanical Mudd commented on this:
Simon DelMonte reviewed Mister Miracle #2 Sep 14, 2017

Portentous, pretentious, depressing, dull, padded, poorly paced. Why is everyone raving about this? There was about six seconds of interesting plot development, but this is otherwise another overrated dud from King, whose work has gone from incredible to miserable in three short years.

Mister Miracle #2

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Sep 13, 2017

What do you do after the most death-defying act of your escape artist career? You go to war, of course! Scott Free has skipped out on his trip to the great beyond and taken a boom tube to New Genesis instead, where he and his wife, Big Barda, take on the invading hordes of Apokolips. Things are a little off, however, and Mister Miracle starts to do...

+ LikeComments (5)
Veido - Sep 19, 2017

The Vision was fantastic and Sheriff of Babylon was also great, but everything after that by him was mediocre at best. Beside the Catwoman-centered issues, which I really like.

Mechanical Mudd - Sep 23, 2017

I'm with you king' s gone from great from miserable... but I did like the 1st arc of Batman

Mechanical Mudd commented on this:
The bad who reviewed Batman #30 Sep 7, 2017

I'm giving it 10 to balance those 1 ratings that I believe are ridiculous and are based strictly on their own vision of what Batman should be. My "real" rating wouldn't be so far from it though. Tom King is breaking some of the status quo with his vision of Batman as a more grounded and meditative character, without taking away the action and its classic side. It finally gives some meaning to vill more

Batman #30

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"THE BALLAD OF KITE MAN" part two! In our second "War of Jokes and Riddles" interlude, it's the making of a super-villain! He's been pushed by Batman to snitch on The Joker, and cajoled by The Joker to betray Batman-now, the flunky who would be Kite Man finally snaps. He's lost everything, and a life of crime is the only way to go.

+ LikeComments (6)
Mechanical Mudd - Sep 10, 2017

I'm glad that you're such a positive person who doesn't just shit on people who disagree with you we need more comic readers like you weather I agree with you or not

The bad who - Sep 10, 2017

True that. Discussion is a rare thing on internet nowaday. Most of the things a discover are through discussion and reading things I thought was bad before trying it.By the way I'm not so positive usually! Just a guy who understand people have different opinions.

Mechanical Mudd reviewed Batman #30 Sep 10, 2017

How do people keep giving this a 10 out of 10? Do people forget that the plans that Batman is doing in this issue is nowhere close to the plan that Bruce Wayne gives us in the last issue? This book has become one of the worst stories in rebirth and I hope Tom King get this s*** together or get off of this book for good.

Batman #30

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"THE BALLAD OF KITE MAN" part two! In our second "War of Jokes and Riddles" interlude, it's the making of a super-villain! He's been pushed by Batman to snitch on The Joker, and cajoled by The Joker to betray Batman-now, the flunky who would be Kite Man finally snaps. He's lost everything, and a life of crime is the only way to go.

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Mechanical Mudd reviewed Batman #29 Aug 20, 2017

Another boring issue to the series with really nothing at stake. Too much talking about an outcome that doesn't matter because we know Batman won't die The Riddler won't die Joker won't die none of this matters. And I hate how many Mikel Janin draws Riddler when Joker was fantasizing about killing him he had the largest breasts I've seen in a Batman comic.

Batman #29

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four ! Batman has done his best to keep the peace, but with neither faction backing down, he may have to choose the lesser of two evils if he wants the violence to end. Will Batman embrace the murderous anarchy of The Joker or the bloody fascism of the Riddler? If he wants to win, he'll have to choose a side-and ...

Mechanical Mudd added Dark Nights: Metal to their pull list Aug 20, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

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Mechanical Mudd reviewed Aquaman #27 Aug 20, 2017

This is the best story arc I've read of Aquaman since Geoff Johns left the title. Currently the best story being told in rebirth in my opinion.

Aquaman #27

By: Dan Abnett, Stjepan Sejic
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"UNDERWORLD" part three! Aquaman lives! Threatened by the return of Atlantis' natural-born ruler, King Rath accelerates his plan to scrub the sunken city of all its ancient magical treasures-but why is he stockpiling magic? Whatever the reason, Rath will need all the firepower he can get when Mera breaks through the barrier surrounding the city!

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Mechanical Mudd reviewed Mister Miracle #1 Aug 10, 2017

This was an awful story. The art was some of the worst that I've seen in weeks. My exposure to Mister Miracle before now was his time with the JLI and that is not what I got here. I assume this book would be enjoyable closer to Tom Kings fantastic Grayson run but it looks like it's closer to his mediocre Batman work. I would not recommend this story to anyone.

Mister Miracle #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 9, 2017

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby's most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness' gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a...

+ LikeComments (9)
SomeDummy - Aug 12, 2017

Raptor was completely seeley's creation not an element from a previous run, and you think its boring. You think Pigeon and Defacer are great!? As if more reason to dismiss you opinion was needed after giving this masterpiece a 4.0

Mechanical Mudd - Aug 12, 2017

No Raptor is a garbage rip off of Tiger from Grayson, and enjoyable characters in Nightwing are the Runoffs. As for King's Batman, I Am Gotham was a Masterpiece and I did enjoy I Am Bane, but I Am Suicide, Jokes and Riddles, that Rooftops thing, and even the Button sucked in my opinion. I think King has a lot going in this story like the possibility that everything is a lie created by the Apokoliptians to trick Mr. Miracle, but I still stand at 4/10 regardless.

Mechanical Mudd reviewed Suicide Squad #23 Aug 10, 2017

I'm tired of a boring, forulaic, Suicide Squad. Where is the death of Z-List villains? Why am I suppose to care about Frost? When will this book get good? The New 52 Suicide Squad was in no way revolutionary, but it did give me exactly what I wanted when it came to nonsensical violence and dark comedic enjoyment.

Suicide Squad #23

By: Rob Williams, Agustin Padilla
Released: Aug 9, 2017

"KILL YOUR DARLINGS" part three! Amanda Waller's gone off the reservation! She's ordered Task Force X to go full-on super-villain and take down the Justice League! No, not that one - they tried that before! This time she wants Batman's new Justice League of America driven before her - dead or alive - and the Suicide Squad is happy to oblige.

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Mechanical Mudd reviewed Titans #14 Aug 10, 2017

The love triangle is a waste if page space, Garth comes off like a real asshole, and if Lilith was removed from this book altogether no one would complain. After the boring Lazerus Contract arc I just want to get to some interesting story. Fantastic art though.

Titans #14

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Aug 9, 2017

"THINGS FALL APART!" With a traitor in their midst, the Titans reach their breaking point as Nightwing reveals his shocking prime suspect! As tempers flare and distrust spreads, the team is forced to face a new conspiracy-and the Titans must save Manhattan from the nefarious Trident!

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Mechanical Mudd added Animosity to their pull list Aug 7, 2017


One day, the Animals woke up.
They started thinking. They started talking.
They started taking revenge.

Now, a dog and his girl are trying to get away--out of New York City, and all the way to San Francisco, to the only person who might be able to protect and save her.

From the writer of INSEXTS  A-FORCE, and...

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Mechanical Mudd added Titans (2016) to their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Titans (2016)

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

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Mechanical Mudd added Teen Titans (2016) to their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Teen Titans (2016)

"Damian Knows Best" part one! Now that Damian has "summoned" the Teen Titans, the tyrannical teen reveals his master plan! But a great evil from Damian's past is lurking around the corner, ready to strike at the team's newest leader and destroy the new Teen Titans before they even begin!

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Mechanical Mudd added Batman (2016) to their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Mechanical Mudd added Aquaman (2016) to their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Aquaman (2016)

"THE DROWNING" chapter one
Black Manta returns, and as Aquaman attempts to broker lasting peace between Atlantis and the surface world, his greatest foe engineers a plan to destroy everything and everyone the undersea hero loves.
THEY SAID IT: "I'm excited to draw a vast undersea world with all the visual flourishes of fantasy and science f...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Batman And Robin Eternal from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Batman And Robin Eternal

It's here at last-the sequel to the blockbuster weekly series BATMAN ETERNAL! Five years ago, Batman and Robin worked the most disturbing case of their crimefighting careers-bringing down the organization of the ultimate human trafficker, the mysterious woman known only as Mother. At the time, Dick Grayson never quite understood the scope of that...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Rat Queens from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Rat Queens

Who are the Rat Queens? A pack of booze-guzzling, death-dealing battle maidens-for-hire, and they're in the business of killing all gods' creatures for profit.

It's also a darkly comedic fantasy series starring Hannah the Rockabilly Elven Mage, Violet the Hipster Dwarven Fighter, Dee the Atheist Human Cl...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Titans Hunt from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Titans Hunt

CONVERGENCE is over, but the ripples are still being felt, especially by a young precog named Lilith. What are these visions she's having of a Teen Titans team the world never knew? And why does she feel compelled to seek out Dick Grayson, Roy Harper, Donna Troy and an Atlantean named Garth and warn them that something dark and sinister is coming a...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Green Lantern (2011) from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Green Lantern (2011)

The red-hot GREEN LANTERN team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Doug Mahnke introduce an unexpected new Lantern.

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Sinestro from their pull list Aug 7, 2017


Thaal Sinestro has lost everything he's ever loved: his home, his family, his only friend. But no matter how desperate he becomes, Sinestro will never be without fear...a lesson his one-time ally, one-time enemy Lyssa Drak is eager to teach him! Can he take back the despicable Yellow Lantern Corps? Or does the universe have a new destiny in mind fo...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Martian Manhunter (2015) from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Martian Manhunter (2015)

Shape-shifting Martians are invading Earth - so where is J'onn J'onzz to stop them? Trust no one as the Martian Manhunter tries to stop these ruthless alien terrorists from destroying everything!

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Citizen Jack from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Citizen Jack

A HORROR-COMEDY FOR ANYONE WHO HATES POLITICS! Every presidential candidate has a skeleton in their closet-Jack Northworthy worships the devil! A scandal-plagued, small town politician, Jack should in no way be president. But he's got a secret weapon: Marlinspike, a malevolent demon of high ambitions. Together, they're running for president in an o...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Aquaman (2011) from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Aquaman (2011)

The superstar creators from BLACKEST NIGHT and BRIGHTEST DAY reunite to take AQUAMAN to amazing new depths!Aquaman has renounced the throne of Atlantis but the sea will not release Arthur Curry so easily. Now, from a forgotten corner of the ocean emerges The Trench! A broken race of creatures that should not exist, an unspeakable need driving them...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Superman: Lois and Clark from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Superman: Lois and Clark

Following the epic events of CONVERGENCE, here are the adventures of the last sons and daughter of the Krypton and Earth as they try to survive in a world not their own. But can they keep this world from suffering the same fate as their own? Can this Superman stop the villains he once fought before they are created on this world? What is Intergang,...

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Secret Six (2014) from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Secret Six (2014)

Gail Simone is back with the NEW 52 debut of the fan-favorite team THE SECRET SIX! Six strangers are brought together under mysterious circumstances for an explosive first issue that will leave everyone asking, What is the Secret?

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Omega Men from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Omega Men

The Omega Men are back in an all-new series! Theyve murdered White Lantern Kyle Rayner and now, the universe wants them to pay! Who are these intergalactic criminals and is there more to their actions than meets the eye?

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Red Hood / Arsenal from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Red Hood / Arsenal

These brothers in arms face off against incredible odds while burning their way through the underbelly of the DC Universe - and it's only a matter of time until they get gunned down in return!

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Robin: Son of Batman (2015) from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Robin: Son of Batman (2015)

The son of a Bat and a Demon, Damian al Ghul has set out to forge his own destiny - and atone for the shameful Year of Blood! Will he be aided or hindered by the behemoth Goliath? And what mysterious legacy trails behind him? Join writer/artist Patrick Gleason as he chronicles the globe-hopping adventures of ROBIN: SON OF BATMAN!

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Justice League (2011) from their pull list Aug 7, 2017

Justice League (2011)

Comics superstars Geoff Johns and Jim Lee make history! In a universe where super heroes are strange and new, Batman has discovered a dark evil that requires him to unite the World Greatest Heroes!

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Invincible from their pull list Aug 7, 2017


Girls, acne, homework, super-villains. When you're a teenager, it helps to be Invincible.

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Mechanical Mudd dropped Plutona from their pull list Aug 7, 2017


A brand new heartfelt super-hero series by JEFF LEMIRE (DESCENDER, Hawkeye) and amazing newcomer EMI LENOX! PLUTONA follows the story of five suburban kids who make a shocking discovery while exploring the woods one day after school...the body of Plutona, the world's greatest superhero. A dark and heartbreaking journey about friendship and coming o...

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