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Joined: Jul 28, 2020

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Swamp Think added DCeased: Hope At World's End to their pull list Jul 31, 2020

DCeased: Hope At World's End

The Anti-Life Equation has infected over a billion people on Earth. Heroes and villains have fallen. In the immediate aftermath of the destruction of Metropolis, Superman and Wonder Woman spearhead a plan to try to stem the tide of infection, preserve and protect survivors, and develop a plan for what’s next. In the Earth’s darkest hour heroes ...

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Swamp Think rated Immortal Hulk #28 Jul 28, 2020

Immortal Hulk #28

By: Al Ewing, Tom Reilly
Released: Dec 11, 2019

• Are your children normal? Are they respectful of you and other approved authority figures? Do they have a poster of the Punisher on their wall?
•  Or are they angry and discourteous? Do they embrace difficult and/or dangerous concepts, such as protest and the environment? Do they stand with the Hulk?
• &...

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ohhaimark reviewed Immortal Hulk #28 Dec 14, 2019


-This was the best issue in a while. I loved it.

-The guest artists felt appropriate here. Usually they're unwelcome with this series, but I don't think anything demanded Bennett's wonderful artwork, and they helped the juxtaposition.

-The story with the security guard was just great.

-Al Ewing may be one of the best writers working now. It's more

Immortal Hulk #28

By: Al Ewing, Tom Reilly
Released: Dec 11, 2019

• Are your children normal? Are they respectful of you and other approved authority figures? Do they have a poster of the Punisher on their wall?
•  Or are they angry and discourteous? Do they embrace difficult and/or dangerous concepts, such as protest and the environment? Do they stand with the Hulk?
• &...

Swamp Think reviewed Hellions #2 Jul 28, 2020

I like how the story develops beginning with the tension between the human cops and the mutant Hellions. The fight scene that takes up much of the book is really fun to read. The twist at the end is set-up in a convincing way and makes me want to read the next issue.

The bit with Empath was a bit abrupt. Nanny provides some nice humor, though one of the gags goes on a beat too long. Ps more

Hellions #2

By: Zeb Wells, Stephen Segovia
Released: Jul 22, 2020

The Hellions can barely keep from killing one another, let alone find a way to fit into Krakoan society. Of course, that might be just what Mister Sinister is counting on when he sends them to clean up his messes.
Rated T+

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