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Location: Cleveland, Ohio Joined: Apr 26, 2021 About Me: Hello there!

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GK3 rated Green Lantern #2 Jun 23, 2023

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

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GK3 commented on this:
daspidaboy reviewed Green Lantern #1 May 9, 2023

Jeremy Adams might be one of the best upcoming comic book writers. Art is great, story is good, action is good. I am a bit iffy on how Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris broke up, but this is a serious strong start to Green Lantern. Cant wait to see how this goes.

Green Lantern #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: May 10, 2023

Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth-and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visi...

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Mout - May 16, 2023

Bro, they break up all the time

GK3 - May 19, 2023 (edited)

I like Hal on Earth better than him only occasionally showing up. Also LOVED the writers characterization of him. Nice he’s finally back yay! Maybe Carol will finally make an honest man out of him

GK3 rated Green Lantern #1 May 19, 2023

Green Lantern #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: May 10, 2023

Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth-and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visi...

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GK3 reviewed Transformers #42 May 9, 2022

I cannot wait until IDW loses the license. The current writers are not to blame. Last Light and the others were horrible. Hopefully the future holds better things for our beloved bots

Transformers #42

By: Brian Ruckley, Andrew Griffith
Released: Apr 27, 2022

Cybertron is under siege. Carnivorous Insecticlones and rust worms are eating the planet. Exarchon is returned, but Megatron's not giving up without a fight. Against impossible odds, Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Bumblebee must make an unthinkable choice: Is Cybertron even worth saving?

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GK3 rated Animal Castle #2 Feb 24, 2022

Animal Castle #2

By: Xavier Dorison, Felix Delep
Released: Jan 19, 2022

On the Farm all animals were equal. In the Castle some are more equal than others.

After witnessing the deaths of animals she knew as friends for seemingly nothing, Miss B. becomes a conflicted cat. Things are further complicated when questions are raised about the state of the farm, bringing down severe retaliation by Presi-dent Silvio's ...

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GK3 reviewed Animal Castle #1 Feb 24, 2022

Brilliant! Don’t bother with any reviews. Read this NOW

Animal Castle #1

By: Xavier Dorison, Felix Delep
Released: Dec 1, 2021

On the Farm all animals were equal.
In the Castle some are more equal than others.
For fans of the bestselling Stray Dogs and the Eisner Award winning Beasts of Burden comes an animal fable at once familiar and surprising!   You may think you know the story but set aside your assumptions, this animal uprising is unlike any you hav...

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GK3 reviewed Ghost Rider #1 Feb 24, 2022

Excellent beginning for the original Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, to return! Looking forward to what com next

Ghost Rider #1

By: Ben Percy, Smith
Released: Feb 23, 2022

Johnny Blaze has the perfect life: a wife and two kids, a job at an auto repair shop and a small-town community that supports him... But Johnny isn't doing well. He has nightmares of monsters when he sleeps. And he sees bloody visions when he's awake. This life is beginning to feel like a prison. And there's a spirit in him that'...

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GK3 rated Flash #768 Apr 26, 2021

Flash #768

By: Jeremy Adams, Darko Lafuente
Released: Mar 31, 2021

The retirement of Wally West begins! After the events spanning from DC Universe: Rebirth to Heroes in Crisis to Dark Nights: Death Metal, the former Kid Flash decides to call it quits. But the current Flash needs his former partner now more than ever. As fallout from Infinite Frontier hits the Flash, Barry Allen and Wally West must confront the pas...

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GK3 reviewed Stray Dogs #3 Apr 26, 2021

If you love dogs and sequential storytelling this is the book for you. Original concept, story, and art. This is a wonderful book and I hope there is a long future planned after the initial story arc. The only negative is that I wish a new issue every week, but that's just impatience. There's lots of good boys and girls to see in this comic and the art is just astounding.

Stray Dogs #3

By: Tony Fleecs, Trish Forstner
Released: Apr 21, 2021

Under the farmhouse, something rots. And no matter how well they're trained, dogs will be dogs. Now they've uncovered something that can't just be buried again.

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GK3 rated Flash #769 Apr 26, 2021

Flash #769

By: Jeremy Adams, Jack Herbert
Released: Apr 21, 2021

After an accident pushes Wally West into the time stream, the former Kid Flash lands in the body of his onetime partner, Impulse. Now sprinting through the 30th century side by side with the mysterious (and, yeah, ridiculous) Gold Beetle, Wally must uncover what’s causing the destructive explosions that keep propelling him through time and the bo...

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