Machinery Insect's Profile

Joined: Oct 26, 2021

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Machinery Insect commented on this:
Onomatopoeia reviewed Devil's Reign #2 Dec 29, 2021

Aw man, I was really hoping to have two rich white guys square off to take control of the city.

Devil's Reign #2

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Dec 29, 2021

Wilson Fisk has set the Marvel Universe on a dangerous and violent path, hoping to remake it in his own image. Systematically leveraging the power of his office against the heroes of the Marvel Universe, Fisk takes his most dangerous and craven step yet... The THUNDERBOLTS are reporting for duty!
ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Hizzoner isn't the only one ...

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Psycamorean - Dec 31, 2021

Merlyn, I feel like people respond rationally to your opinions all the time, and you just shut down when faced with things you don't have a good response to. This cognitive dissonance you have for how these interactions go is perplexing.

Machinery Insect - Jan 14, 2022

I agree with king-bedder psycamoran. Merlyn never has anything to say so he just blocks

Machinery Insect commented on this:

We continue the feminization of Jon Kent who this time comes up with a classic lesbian haircut, we're probably on the path of him coming out as gender neutral (the bi thing is clearly not enough for progressives) because, to quote Tom Taylor, "We don't need yet another straight white savior", we all know how disgusting those people are. And of course we get another rant about climate change becaus more

Superman: Son of Kal-El Annual: 2021

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Jon Kent’s first days as Earth’s new Superman have been a trial by fire. His actions have already put those he loves in harm’s way. He has stood strong in the path of constant attacks, but the immovable object is about to meet an unstoppable force. Lex Luthor-the man, the myth, the menace-returns to Metropolis.

+ LikeComments (7)
SenpaifenixJäger - Dec 8, 2021


SenpaifenixJäger - Dec 8, 2021

Sometimes I feel like I'm living on the South Park show, with Kyle's dad getting the dolphinplasty and asking for baths and special treatment.

Machinery Insect commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Daredevil #35 Oct 27, 2021

Bad art, stupid plot, idiotic propaganda. Thank God this run is nearly over, maybe after this Zdarsky can actually focus on a story and not just infecting us with his stupid ideas about how prison turns people violent, because otherwise those people were obviously very decent citizens who got there just by crossing a red light. I'm really not one to wish other people harm, regardless of their stup more

Daredevil #35

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Oct 27, 2021

From the series that's taken the comics world by storm for over two years, it's the grudge match of the century: BULLSEYE VS. ELEKTRA!


+ LikeComments (14)
Rachit Mittal - Oct 29, 2021

This issue was absolute stupid. Spidey pep talk is what bothered me very much. Cop was following his order of arresting DD, who just ran away from Prison. But DD did some good so he is out without Trial. BS. Looks like DD and every suoerhero think themselves above law. They instead think what they say is law. BS. They are just people with super powers but it didn't make them above law at all. Do some good and get free "get out of jail" card. Wow. This is absolute Stupid message.

Merlyn - Oct 29, 2021

Which is ironic because the first arcs dwelled exactly on that: superheroes shouldn't be above the law and that's why Matt went to prison willingly. In a comic that didn't allowed itself several issues to this theme, I wouldn't have any problem with that but here it's just idiotic. Then again at this point Chip doesn't really care about the story (or Matt as a character) anymore, he's more concerned about putting forward propaganda that prisons make otherwise innocent people bad and police sucks

Machinery Insect rated Youngblood #1 Oct 27, 2021

Youngblood #1

By: Rob Liefeld

Introducing the next generation of Youngblood. This explosive first issue features two teams and two exciting adventures. First Shaft, Die Hard, Bedrock, Vogue, and Chapel must confront the nefarious Four. Then, Sentinel leads Riptide, Brahma, Photon, Psi-Fire, and Cougar into a Middle-Eastern country to put an end to an evil di...

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Machinery Insect is now following Tempra16v2.0Turbo Oct 27, 2021


Reviews: 923

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Machinery Insect is now following MoonKnight313 Oct 27, 2021


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Machinery Insect liked this:
Tempra16v2.0Turbo rated Daredevil #35 Oct 27, 2021

Daredevil #35

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Oct 27, 2021

From the series that's taken the comics world by storm for over two years, it's the grudge match of the century: BULLSEYE VS. ELEKTRA!


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Machinery Insect liked this:
MoonKnight313 rated Daredevil #35 Oct 27, 2021

Daredevil #35

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Oct 27, 2021

From the series that's taken the comics world by storm for over two years, it's the grudge match of the century: BULLSEYE VS. ELEKTRA!


Machinery Insect rated Daredevil #35 Oct 27, 2021

Daredevil #35

By: Chip Zdarsky, Marco Checchetto
Released: Oct 27, 2021

From the series that's taken the comics world by storm for over two years, it's the grudge match of the century: BULLSEYE VS. ELEKTRA!


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Machinery Insect added Daredevil (2019) to their pull list Oct 27, 2021

Daredevil (2019)

Rated T+

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