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Joined: Dec 07, 2021

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L Silverman reviewed Batman '89: Echoes #1 Nov 28, 2023

WOW!!!! Was not a fan of the first Batman'89 series but Sam Hamm knocks it out of the park this time! His new and original takes on classic Batman villains is nothing less than brilliant. Love the idea that Drs. Jonathan Crane and Harley Quinn are competing psychiatrists that might be working together, I'm surprised that no one came up with that idea before this. Also brilliant is the idea tha more

Batman '89: Echoes #1

By: Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones
Released: Nov 29, 2023

YOU WANNA GET NUTS? LET'S GET NUTS! After Harvey Dent's crusade against Gotham and Batman, the Caped Crusader has disappeared without a trace. In his place, ordinary citizens have taken to the streets to root out crime. As innocents get hurt, the question on everyone's mind is the same: Where is Batman? Sam Hamm, screenwriter of the 1989 Batman mov...

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Hydro-Man reviewed Batman '89 #4 Dec 8, 2021

If this was an ongoing series, I’d drop it. I’m to the point where I am just going to look at the art and not even bother reading any of the dialog. I tried. A few pages in, after Robin firebombed the police, I was already convinced this was the most ridiculous comic I’ve ever read.

There needs to be a support group for white men who are this obsessed with race and their very war more

Batman '89 #4

By: Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Someone’s hot on Bruce Wayne’s heels, out to prove his connection to Batman once and for all! Meanwhile, Harvey Dent plans his next steps for Gotham with just the simple flip of a coin. What does he have in store for Gotham, and can Batman twist probability in his favor?

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Hydro-Man - Dec 9, 2021

@Merlyn, ah well, at least we got Superman ‘78. That book is a much more faithful continuation of that film series. @Ming, dunno if you meant to do it on purpose or not but you invented the perfect adjective for this series: Hamm-fisted For what it’s worth, even some of the critic reviews are looking at this issue and going: “no… just no.”

Mingthemerciless - Dec 9, 2021

Lol...feel free to use it Hydro. Yeah we were expecting a butonverse book and we got a BLM verse book instead. The superman counterpart book as you said understands what the audience enjoyed about those films and makes a better effort to deliver that.

L Silverman commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Batman '89 #4 Dec 7, 2021

There's a disgusting bit in the first panel of the first page where Quinones draws a panel in which a guy holds a banner with the very hidden message "cops are pigs", that's very stupid and immature and I didn't expect this bullshit even in a book that has pulled some weird ideas from the very beginning. In case you were wondering, it doesn't get any better because we get even more race bullshit w more

Batman '89 #4

By: Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Someone’s hot on Bruce Wayne’s heels, out to prove his connection to Batman once and for all! Meanwhile, Harvey Dent plans his next steps for Gotham with just the simple flip of a coin. What does he have in store for Gotham, and can Batman twist probability in his favor?

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Merlyn - Dec 8, 2021

Btw I see we've done this dance before. You came at me like a moron with nothing to say, I blocked you, then I unblocked you in the hopes that maybe I should give you another chance and you'll get better. I see you're still very, very idiotic. Choose your next words carefully or I'll block you again, and this time for good.

Mingthemerciless - Dec 8, 2021

Yeah because 89 Batman would have been so much more successful if Hamm had made it about race politics. It's well documented that Hamms weiting was changed because it didnt align with what Burton wanted to direct.

L Silverman reviewed Batman '89 #4 Dec 7, 2021

Despite some good moments, this series has been a major letdown and that trend continues in this issue. To put it bluntly, this isn't Tim Burton's version of Batman, it's Sam Hamm's version of Batman. And what is Sam Hamm's vision of Batman? It's social justice, Gotham's version of Black Lives Matter. With an emerging villain and superhero, Harvey Dent and Drake Winston, who are black, this m more

Batman '89 #4

By: Sam Hamm, Joe Quinones
Released: Dec 8, 2021

Someone’s hot on Bruce Wayne’s heels, out to prove his connection to Batman once and for all! Meanwhile, Harvey Dent plans his next steps for Gotham with just the simple flip of a coin. What does he have in store for Gotham, and can Batman twist probability in his favor?

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Mingthemerciless - Dec 7, 2021

Its devoid of any of the appeal of Burtons vision. The whole point was to give fans more of a beloved version of a cinematic Batman and we get Hamm hammy race politics in a bait and switch. Missed opportunity.

L Silverman - Dec 7, 2021

I think they would have been better off if they had gotten Daniel Waters to write the series instead of Hamm. At the very least, Waters, who wrote Batman Returns and Heathers, would have been a lot more fun.

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