Batman '89 #4

Writer: Sam Hamm Artist: Joe Quinones Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 8, 2021 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 10 User Reviews: 19
8.3Critic Rating
5.9User Rating

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Someone’s hot on Bruce Wayne’s heels, out to prove his connection to Batman once and for all! Meanwhile, Harvey Dent plans his next steps for Gotham with just the simple flip of a coin. What does he have in store for Gotham, and can Batman twist probability in his favor?

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Carl Bryan Dec 9, 2021

    I already want the remaining issues! Sam Hamm and Joe Quinones hit all the right notes. Clayton Cowles letters like the pro he is and Leonardo Ito splashes that 80's vibe across the pages that we so wanted! You are drinking in Catwoman making her appearances and in this issue"it's rare to see Batman. That's the uniqueness of this storytelling. The cinema hid Batman until specific parts of the movie. Quinones and company do the very same thing and it works! Read Full Review

  • 10
    Dark Knight News - Carl Bryan Dec 10, 2021

    I already want the remaining issues! Sam Hamm and Joe Quinones hit all the right notes. Clayton Cowles letters like the pro he is and Leonardo Ito splashes that 80's vibe across the pages that we've so wanted! We all drink in Catwoman's appearances and in this issue it's rare to see Batman. That's the uniqueness of this type of storytelling because the films hid Batman until specific parts of the movie too. Quinones and company do the very same thing… and it works! Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    Comic Watch - Jimmy Hayes Dec 7, 2021

    A great issue that really gets the story moving forward at a very fast pace. All the set-up is done, now it's time for some crazy good action!! Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 7, 2021

    This series hasn't disappointed yet and the only letdown at this point would be for DC not to follow it up with another installment. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 7, 2021

    Two-Face has never quite had the flair of other Gotham villains, lacking the flashy lairs and gimmicks. No more, as he gets a new home base at the end of the issue that's one of the best visuals of the entire series. In only four issues, this version of Gotham feels fleshed out and with enough complex flashpoints that it's hard to see it wrapping up in only two issues. Read Full Review

  • 8.0 - Jamie Lovett Dec 8, 2021

    Leonardo Ito may be the breakout here. He manages to find the right visual tone to make Gotham City feel like a world of perpetual twilight. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    AIPT - Nathan Simmons Dec 7, 2021

    As one duo unites and another wars within one man's mind, the latest issue of 'Batman '89' raises the stakes even higher. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Batman-News - Jay Yaws Dec 7, 2021

    There are decent ideas that could have been explored more, but instead the narrative goes in a different direction that leaves its most interesting aspects untapped. It's a pretty good Harvey Dent comic, but not a great Burton Batman comic, and I've just about come to terms with that. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 7, 2021

    Quinones delivers some impressive art, but the story makes everything visually disjointed, and you never get a sense of style within the art. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Weird Science - Gabe Hernandez Dec 7, 2021

    Batman '89 #4 is the big introduction to the film version of Two-Face and Robin for fans of Burton's Batman. The character designs are greats, and the frantic personality of Two-Face would have been a fantastic sight if it had been depicted on screen as it is here. That said, Hamm goes extreme with out-of-character versions of Bullock as a racist cop intent on beating people of color and using Bullock's antics to justify turning Robin into something he shouldn't be.  It all makes for a thoroughly distasteful (if that was even possible) version of Gotham. Read Full Review

  • 10
    motorik Dec 7, 2021


    A fun continuation of the Burton films.

  • 8.0
    deen Dec 15, 2021

    The story and writing are great here, with stylized art that's not a direct caricature of the actor they're meant to represent, which is a choice I agree with. The only thing bringing this series down for me is how heavily compressed it is with a 6 issue run. There's a lot to explore here, and a 12 issue run could have fit the bill better. I know DC previously stated they were scaling back their printed comics and cancelled quite a few series before their prime (coughHELLBLAZERcough), so with a series like this where fans finally get a glimpse at what could have been with Two-Face and Robin, it's disappointing to get so little face time with either of them. That said, given how Robin and Two-Face are usually adversaries, this wrinkle in the more

  • 7.5
    Psycamorean Jan 2, 2022

    Oh no, a comic with social justice undertones. Better cry about it.

  • 6.5

    This has been the best issue yet, but unfortunately that's not saying much. The most I've gotten from reading this story is a better appreciation for Batman Forever. I've found myself already with crossed fingers for more Superman'78, while hoping though that this series will just fade into the realm of forgotten comics.

  • 4.0
    L Silverman Dec 7, 2021

    Despite some good moments, this series has been a major letdown and that trend continues in this issue. To put it bluntly, this isn't Tim Burton's version of Batman, it's Sam Hamm's version of Batman. And what is Sam Hamm's vision of Batman? It's social justice, Gotham's version of Black Lives Matter. With an emerging villain and superhero, Harvey Dent and Drake Winston, who are black, this makes a lotta sense but the fact that it's the sole focus of the entire series grows tiresome and saps the story of any fun.

    This issue begins with yet another protest march by the good citizens of Burnside. It seems like there's been a protest march in every issue of this series. The marchers are upset over the perceived injustice to " more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 3.5
    Zazikarion Dec 21, 2021

    When This comic was first announced, I thought it’d be really cool to see Hamm’s Version of the Burtonverse, boy, was I wrong. The Harvey Dent stuff is okay, but all the stuff with Robin is atrocious. Quinone’s art is the only reason I don’t give it a 1.

  • 1.5
    Merlyn Dec 7, 2021

    There's a disgusting bit in the first panel of the first page where Quinones draws a panel in which a guy holds a banner with the very hidden message "cops are pigs", that's very stupid and immature and I didn't expect this bullshit even in a book that has pulled some weird ideas from the very beginning. In case you were wondering, it doesn't get any better because we get even more race bullshit when we find out that the evil Waynes oppressed Robin's ancestor and basically stole their company from them. This isn't the first time when comic history is being rewritten to the point of making the Waynes bad just so the "past is bad" narrative can be pulled forward. Here we just have it combined with race because Sam Hamm suffers from a last sta more

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  • 1.0
    Hydro-Man Dec 8, 2021

    If this was an ongoing series, I’d drop it. I’m to the point where I am just going to look at the art and not even bother reading any of the dialog. I tried. A few pages in, after Robin firebombed the police, I was already convinced this was the most ridiculous comic I’ve ever read.

    There needs to be a support group for white men who are this obsessed with race and their very warped views on “social justice.” If Hamm wanted to write a more topical story on a social justice issue, he should’ve made Harvey Dent an unhinged DA who let’s out hundreds of violent criminals who cause the murder rate in Gotham to skyrocket.

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 10
    JLD Dec 7, 2021

  • 8.5
    NoobishSalad Mar 24, 2023

  • 8.0
    Jason The Dude May 15, 2022

  • 7.5
    ActionCity Dec 11, 2021

  • 7.5
    Magik Dec 8, 2021

  • 6.5
    MaxOfSteel616 May 27, 2022

  • 6.5
    ICC Dec 9, 2021

  • 6.0
    ed1138 Jan 14, 2022

  • 5.0
    retcon_D Jan 4, 2022

  • 3.5
    fearUhavemeisenough Dec 9, 2021

  • 1.0
    SenpaifenixJäger Dec 7, 2021

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